Datum 95 Day service 91 Deactivating routing 43 Destination key 22 Dialling from the directory 48 Dialling with DSS module 104 Direct dial 81
Direct inward dial, hotel functions 113 Directory, selecting entry 48 Display 11, 12
Display messages 121 Do not disturb 70
Do not disturb, exceptions 86 DSS module 103
DSS module, hotel functions 109 DTMF 25
Enter Call Number, IP 100 Enter gatekeeper manually 98 Entering a name 125 Entering text 13
Exchange line, automatic seizure 77, 78 Ext. line code 21
External 20
Fault finding 129 Follow me here 41 Forwarding 27, 28 Forwarding a call 19 Function keys, assignment 72 Function keys, possible functions 117 Functions 117
Functions on Keys 71
Gatekeeper 15
Gatekeeper Search 15
General call 84
Handsfree 32
Handsfree, automatic 77, 79
Handsfree, headset 87