DNS Configuration - DNS (Domain Name Service) provides the translation of host names to IP addresses on your network.
Obtain DNS server address via DHCP - automatically use the DNS server settings provided by the DHCP server. Click the View button to see the current settings.
Use the following DNS server address - enter the desired DNS server by specifying the following:
•Domain name - enter the domain(s) to search for the host name used by the AXIS 213. Multiple domains can be separated by semicolons (;). The host name is always the first part of a Fully Qualified Domain Name, e.g. myser- ver is the host name in the Fully Qualified Domain Name myserver.mycom- pany.com where mycompany.com is the Domain name.
•Primary DNS server - enter the IP address of the primary DNS server.
•Secondary DNS server - will be used if the primary DNS server is unavail- able.
Host Name Configuration - The AXIS 213 can be accessed using a host name, instead of an IP address. The host name is usually the same as the assigned DNS Name. It is always the first part of a Fully Qualified Domain Name and is always one word, with no period. For example, myserver is the host name in the Fully Qualified Domain Name myserver.mycompany.com.
For more information, please refer to the online help files
Options for notification of IP address change - if the IP Address for the PTZ Network Camera is changed automatically, e.g. by DHCP, you can choose to be notified. Click Settings... and enter the required information.
AXIS Internet Dynamic DNS Service - If the AXIS 213 PTZ Network Camera has been registered with the Axis Internet Dynamic DNS service and the IP address for the product changes, the service is updated to reflect the change. Check the box to enable/disable automatic updates.