9. Software updating
5. Browse to the new softwareversion and click Open to start the upload.
Note: Thisshould be an ipk le. Youmight have to unzip the le downloaded from Barco’s website.
Note: Updating the software to the Base Unit and installing it can take severalm inutes. Progress can be followed on the
meeting room display.
The Base Unit software isupdated.
Itis advised to pair all Buttons in the meeting room to the Base Unit after a software update has been done.
Formore information on pairing the Buttons, refer to "Buttonssoftware update", page 92.

Toupdate the Base Unit software by copying the software on a USB stick

1. Download the latest version of the software from Barco’s website, , www.barco.com/clicks hare.Click on Visit the ClickShare
productpage and go to tab Downloads
2. Unzip the le and copy the ipk le to a USB stick.
3. Rename the le to clickshare_firmware.ipk.
Renaming is necessary as the software will look for that speciclename on the device.
4. Insert the USB stick into the USB portat t he front of the Base Unit.
5. Follow the instructions on the meeting room screen.
6. When the on-screen message indicates that the process is nished, remove the USB stick.
The Base Unit shutsdown.
9.3 Emergency recovery procedure via software recovery stick

CAUTION:Thisprocedure ma y only be executed by an authorized customer service center (Barco and dis-

Forthi s procedure, a ClickShare software recovery stick is required. You can obtain the stick via the Barco
Service kit number R768101K.

Toupda te the Base Unit software via the software recovery stick

Followthis procedure in case the current software of the Base Unit is corrupted. Thesoftware will be fully erased and the Base Unit
will be re-installed.
1. Connect a keyboard to one of theUSB portsat the back of the B ase Unit.
2. Connect a monitor to one of the video outputs of the Base Unit.
3. Insert the software recovery stick in the front USB port of the Base Unit.
4. Set the rocker switch to “I”.
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