1. What frame rate can you guarantee?
Our target for the firstrelease is 20 frames per second.
2. Whatis the minimum and m aximum supported output resolutionfor the central screen?
- XGA(1024x768@60Hz)
- WXGA(1280x800@60Hz)
- SXGA(1280x1024@60Hz)
- SXGA+(1400w1050@60Hz)
- WXGA+(1440x900@60Hz)
- WSXGA+(1680x1050@60Hz)
- UXGA(1600x1200@60Hz)
- HD(1920x1080@60Hz)
- WUXGA(1920x1200@60Hz)
3. What is the maximum input/source resolution?
Theaverage laptop resolution of 3 Megapixel can be handled by the system. Thetheoretical limitation on the input resolution
ishigher. However,video performance and image quality will deteriorate for such high resolutions.
4. What is the noise level of the Base Unit?
Innormal operating conditions (up to 25°C), the noise level of the alpha Base Unit is 28dBA. Please note that this is not yet the
finalspec ification. Final specifications are measured on the zero units.
5. Does ClickShare support extended desktop?
No, only the primary screen of the laptopis scraped, even if your laptop is in a docking station and connected to a second
monitor with extended desktop.
6. DoesClickS hares upportdual s creen presentationmo de in MS PowerPoint?
Asextended desktopis not supported, this functionality is also not supported.
WiFi & Security
1. What WiFi securitydo y ou have?
- Authenticationprotocol: WPA2–PSK
- Encryptionalgorithms: CCMP
This is currently the best security protocol widely available.
2. CanI detect the ClickShare Base Unit when I scan for wireless networks/access points?
Thatdepends on your operating system and the software you use to scan for wireless networks or devices. Atmost, a network
called“SSID not broadcasted” or “Hidden WLAN” (or something similar) will show up in the list of wireless networks. B ecause
theSS ID (Service Set Identifier) isnot visible, it is not possible to connect to it.
3. Can Iconnect to the Base Unit via my PC Wificard?
No. You need to know the SSID of the network and security password to be able to connect to it. The SS ID (Service Set
Identifier)is not visible for users. Tomake the SSID visible for users, the configuration pages of the Base Unit can be accessed
(passwordprotected) and the settings can be changed to “Broadcast SSID”.
4. What isthe m aximum distance between Base Unit and ClickShare Button?
4)The typical maximum distance recommended for WiFi connections depends on the used band and environmental parame-
ters. Typical values are 50m in free air for the 2.4 GHz band and 30m in free air forthe 5 GH zband. When installed in e.g.
a false ceilingor inside a cabinet, this distance will be shorter. The maximum distance depends heavily on the physical ma-
terialbetween ClickShare Button and Base Unit. However,the signal is not “cut off” beyond that distance. Instead,the signal
gradually decreases.
5. What WiFi do you use? Is it 802.1.n or 802.1.g?
ClickShare is compatible with802.11.n.
6. What about interference with otherW iFi devices?
Itis very unlikely that WiFi interference will limit the performance of ClickShare orother devices within its immediate proximity.
This isbecause ClickShare works in both the 2.4 GHz band as well as the 5 GHz band, which leaves you with many options
tochoose the channel that is used the least in your environment. Moreover, the system only uses limited bandwidth (typically
1Mbit/s,rarely maximum 30Mbit/s), which makes collision with other clients in the same band unlikely. The person who installs
thesystem can m anuallyselec tthe mos tappropriate band to be used by the system.
7. How many WiFi channels are available?
The available channelsde pends on the geographicalre gion.
8. Do you install anything on my PC?
No. ClickShare is a zero footprint solution. After plugging out the Button no trace is left on your PC.
9. Do you support Bluetooth?
No, Bluetooth cannot support the bandwidth necessary for video.
1. Can ClickShare work with video conferencing?
Yes,if your video conferencing system supports a data channel. In that case you can use the output of the Base Unit as input
for thed atapor tof the Codec.
2. Can you control itvia Crestron?
No, Crestron control(RS-23 2o r API) is currentlyn ot foreseen.
104 R5900006 CLICKSHARE 04/12/2013