1. What about risk of theft?
ClickShare Buttons are designed to avoid a sincere confusion with a USB mass storage device. The ClickShare Button is
designedin such a way that people will notice it when walkingaway from the meeting room (weight, size, cable,…). In the rare
case that one takes the Button away from a meeting room by mistake, the AV Manager can pair the Button, when returned,
withany meeting room. The ClickShare Button has no practical value by itself.
2. Can you fixate the ClickShare Buttons to a table?
There areno provisions to fixate the ClickShare Button on the table.
3. Whatis the maximum am ountof ClickShare Buttons that can be connected to a Base Unit?
Thereis no limit to the number of ClickShare Buttons that can be paired to the Base Unit. We have done tests with 20 ClickShare
Buttonsconnected to the Base Unit simultaneously (i.e. “Ready to share”). The maximum number of ClickShare Buttons that
cans hare content on the centraldisplay is limited to four.
4. How may Base Units can I installwithin each other ’s range?
Aswith other wireless networks based on IEEE 802.11, this depends heavily on the existing environment, meaning infrastruc-
ture of the building and otherwireless networks and devices that are sharing the spectrum with the ClickShare Base Units.
It willalso depend on the type of content that is shared, using the ClickShare Buttons. As a reference, 1 ClickShare Button
sharing HD Video willconsum e approximately8-10 M bps. The maximum physical rate of the WiFi module of the ClickShare
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