8. Web Interface
How to update1. Download the latest version of the software from Barco’s website.
2. Log in to the ClickShare web interface.
3. Click the Maintenance tab (1) and then click Software (2).
The content of the Softwaretab is displayed.
Thec urrentversion of the Base Unit software is shown in the Base Unit Software pane.
4. To upload a new version of the Base Unit software, click Upload New Software... . (3).
A browser window opens.
5. Browse to the file with th e new software and click Open to start the upload.
Note: Thisshould be an ipk file. Youmight have to unzip the file downloaded from Barco’s website.
Note: Updating the software to the Base Unit and installing it can take severalm inutes. Progress can be followed on the
meeting room display.
The Base Unit software isupdated.
Itis advised to pair all Buttons in the meeting room to the Base Unit after a software update has been done.
TheBase Unit checks if the Button software needs to be updated and if needed, the update is executed.
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