11. Troubleshooting
11.3 Generating log filesLog files can be generated from the
• Base Unit
• Client software
• Button( includedin Base unit logging)
Togenerate log files from t he Base Unit
1. Login to the ClickShare web interface.
2. Click the Maintenance tab (1) and then click Logging (2)..
The content of the Loggingtab is displayed.
3. Make su re the Debug logging is checked.
4. Click Clear Log.
The following message appears.
5. To confirm that the log file should be cleared, click OK.
The existinglog file is now empty.
6. Reproduce the bug or error that occurred.
7. Go back to the Logging tab page and click Download Log.
8. Save the log file on your laptop.
Togenerate log files via the Client software
1. Hold the Shift key on your keyboard and double-click the ClickShare executable.
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