8. Web Interface
The followinglangu ages are possible:
• Arabic
•Simplified Chinese
• TraditionalChinese
• Danish
• French
• Italian
• Japanese
• Korean
• Norwegian
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Spanish
• Swedish
How to change
1. Click on the drop down box next to Choose language and select the desired language.
The language ofthe web interface changes to the selected language.
The language ofthe web interface can be changed on nearly any page.
8.3 About ClickShare tabsOverview
ClickSharehas a main tab bar (red bar with white text) containing 3 tabs, Setup, Maintenance and Help. Each main tab contains sub
tabs. The sub tabs are only displayed when a main tab is selected. These sub tabs are displayed in a gray bar. The functionality of
these sub tabs is explained in the next topics.
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