8. Web Interface
The content of the Loggingtab is displayed.
3. To create a debug log, check the check box next to Debug Logging (3).
4. Reproduce the issue you want to report.
5. To download the current log file, click on Download Log (4).
6. To clear the current log file, click Clear Log (5).
7. • To enable logging by the ClickShare client (6):
- Ifthe launcher service is running hold down the shift key while connecting the dongle to the PC, until logging is started.
- Ifthe launcher service is not running : holddown the shift key while double clicking the ClickShare application.
The following message appears on the sys tray:
8. Click Apply.
8.26 ClickShare Help, Barco contact dataAbout ClickShare Help
Allkind of manuals, firmware and software updates can be found onBarco’s website. For technical assistance contact your reseller.
How to consult
1. Log in to the ClickShare web interface.
2. Click the Help tab (1) and then click Contact (2).
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