8. Web Interface
Tomanage the system configuration
1. Log in to the ClickShare web interface.
2. Click the Maintenance tab (1) and then click Configuration (2)..
Managesystem configuration
The content of the Configurationtab is displayed.
3. To download a full backup, click on Download Full Backup (3).
Anxml file, containing all information and history will be downloaded. Thisfile can be reused on the same Base Unit only.
4. To download a portable version, click on Download Portable Version (4).
Anxml file, containing portable information to duplicate settings on another Base Unit.
5. To upload a configuration, click on Upload Configuration (5).
Abrows erwindow opens . Navigate to the upload file (xml file) and click Open to upload.
Whenuploading a configfile, the history of software updates and paireddongles is lost. P aireddongles will
howeverremain functional if the Base U nith as not changed from SSID or wireless password.
8.23 Load Default SettingsAbout default settings
TheClick ShareB ase Unitc an returnto the factory default settings.
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