7. Preparing the b uttons
• Pairing
• Pre-installof the Launcher ser vice
7.1 Pairing
Pairing of the Buttons with the Base Unit
Tobe able to use a Button it should be assigned to the Base Unit you are using. This process is called pairing. By default, the four
Buttonsdelivered with the ClickShare set are already paired to the specific Base Unit.
Incase you buy additional Buttons or when a Button should be assigned to anotherBase Unit, the Button needs to be paired (again).
Whenupdating the Base Unit software, it is advised to also pair your Buttons with the Base Unit to update their software.
A Buttoncan onlybe paired to one Base Unit at a time.
TheButton will always make connection to the Base Unit it was last paired to.
Topa ira Button to the Base Unit
1. Insert the Button in the USB port at the front of the Base Unit you are using.
InsertingButton into the Base Unit
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