DS62-Network, DS62-MD4 Network/Modem Host Module
Select the Change Password option to change the user password, the Host Module displays the following:
User name: root
Enter old password (CR if none)>*******
Enter new password (<= 31 characters)>*******
Confirm by
Password change successful.
Select “Change Port Access Rights” to change the user’s assigned ports. If you select the “root user” the Host Module will display the following:
root user always has access to all ports and access rights can not be changed
Select a non-root user and the DS displays:
Port access for user1 X = has access
mod 2 mod 3 1234 1234
Enter port list (mod.port,mod.port), ALL for all ports, NONE for no ports: all
Type ‘all’ and press <cr>, the DS displays all ports available to ‘user1’:
Port access for user1 X = has access
mod 2 mod 3 1234 1234
Enter port list (mod.port,mod.port), ALL for all ports, NONE for no ports: none
Type ‘none’ and press <cr>, the DS displays the user with no assigned ports:
Port access for user1 X = has access
mod 2 mod 3 1234 1234
To add specific ports to the user, enter the module/port numbers as shown.