DS62-Network, DS62-MD4 Network/Modem Host Module
Sel M/P | Identifier | Low Curr |
1 2/1 | DS3ADE | 0 |
Enter the Selection number and the unit will display one of the following dependent on the alarm:
Enter threshold value in tenths of unit measurement (degrees,%,etc.):
Enter voltage threshold value in tenths of a volt:
Enter low current threshold value in tenths of an amp:
NOTE: M/P = Module number and Port number; Identifier = this unit’s model number; Tmp Lvl = temperature level, Lo V Lvl = low voltage level, Hi V Lvl = High voltage level, low Curr
=Low Current. The unit’s firmware determines whether the degrees are Celsius or Fahrenheit. Currently there is no option to change the degrees.
External Alarm Threshold
Selecting the Environmental Sensors with no probes attached the DS will display the following:
None of the installed devices support this option (no temperature probes installed).
Strike ENTER to continue
Selecting the Environmental Sensor with a probe attached the DS will display the following:
Environmental | Sensor Configuration Menu | |
Sel | M/P | Identifier |
1 | 2/1 | DS3ADE |
2 | All Sensors |
Select 1), the DS displays:
Sel | Type | Name | Hi/En | Lo/En | St/En |
1 | Contact | External Sensor1 | N/A | N/A | Ds |
2 | Temperature External Sensor2 | 0/Ds | 0/Ds | N/A |
Enter Request :2
Selecting probe 2 displays a recognized temperature probe:
DS/RPS External Environmental Sensor Configuration Menu
Sensor Number: 2 Name: External Sensor2 Type: Temperature
1...High Threshold (tenths of meas. unit): 0
2...High Threshold Trap Enable: Disabled
3...Low Threshold (tenths of meas. unit): 0
4...Low Threshold Trap Enable: Disabled
Enter Request :1