No.: Number of the list.
Destination: The IP address of the destination network.
Netmask: The destination netmask address.
Gateway/Interface: The IP address of the gateway or existing interface that this route will use.
Cost: The number of hops counted as the cost of the route.
4.2.3 Session Table
The NAT Session Table displays a list of current sessions for both incoming and outgoing traffic with protocol type, source IP, source port, destination IP and destination port, each page shows 10 sessions.
No.: Number of the list.
Protocol: Protocol type of the Session.
From IP: Source IP of the session.
From port: source port of the session.
To IP: Destination IP of the session.
To port: Destination port of the session.
Filter: when the presented field is filled, please click Filter button.
From IP: please input the source IP you would like to filter.
From port: please input the source port you would like to filter.
To IP: please input the destination IP you would like to filter.
To port: please input the destination port you would like to filter.
First: To the first page.
Previous: To the previous page.
Next: To the next page.