Extended Capability Port. ECP is a protocol that provides for a high performance
Enhanced Parallel Port. EPP is a protocol that provides for a high performance parallel port link that is still compatible with the standard parallel port. Details of this standard protocol are available from the IEEE 1284 committee.
Error Diffusion
Highest quality of all halftoning methods. Optimal for printing photographic and graphic images.
A complete set of characters of the same size and style; a particular implementation of a typeface. For example,
Form feed
A printer function that automatically ejects the current page and advances the printer to the top of the next page.
Degree of intensity for a printed color image from the monitor screen display. The default Gamma Setting for the
Representing color in black and white as a result of different intensities of color. Different colors and intensities of colors appear as different shades of gray.
Halftoning Method
Technique of creating various colors and shades by using different sizes of dots and spaces.
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