Printing Images
1.Select the image(s) you wish to print and click the [Print Layout] button.
•Movie images cannot be printed.
•You must convert RAW images before printing them (pp.
The Print window will display with the images arranged in an auto layout.
2.Adjust the print settings if you wish to change the page layout.
3.Click the [PRINT] button in the Print window.
Print Window
Please see the ImageBrowser Help file for more details on the Print window.
Change the Image Size
Drag the border to resize the image.
Add a caption to an image
Click an image and select [Edit Caption] from the [Edit] menu.
Click this to reset the image layout
to the initial setting.
Click this to rotate the selected image.
Edit the Page Title
Open the [Edit] menu and select [Edit Header].
Change the Layout
Drag the images to change the layout.
Add Text
Open the [Edit] menu and select [Add Text].
Click this to select the Layout Type. (➜ p. 72)
This button displays the Print dialog.
This changes the default number of images printed per page.