An acronym for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow and black, the four colours used in the standard colour model of the printing industry.
code page
A set of 256 graphic designs (characters) associated with unique code values from 0 through 255. The printer supports 10 code pages - 437, 850, 852, 855, 857, 860, 863, 864, 865, and 869.
An instruction that tells the printer to perform a certain function. Commands are sent from the host computer to the printer via the printer cable when the printer is
Commercial 10 (US Commercial)
A common size of envelope: 9.5 x 4.1 inches or 241 x 105 mm.
composite black
The composite black colour formed by mixing cyan, yellow, and magenta ink so that they appear almost black on a print out.
The defining of certain printer settings to allow the printer to communicate properly with your computer.
control code
Special data that invokes
Characters per inch. A unit of measurement relevant to a
Characters per line. A unit of measurement that indicates the number of characters printed per line.
Characters per second. A unit of measurement that indicates the printer’s speed.
Stands for decibel level (a decibel being a unit of measurement for the intensity of the sound), adjusted for background noise.
Glossary 137