AC adapter attaching, 26 connecting to printer, 26
Auto Power Off described, 28
Auto Sheet Feeder
option, 13
Back Print Film
Media Type setting, 42 print side, 42 purpose, 42
battery pack described, 16 disposal, 21 handling, 21
handling precautions, 21 inserting in printer, 20 installing, 19, 20 location, 15 recharging, 62 replacing, 62, 64 safety precautions, 21 storing, 21 temperature, 21
battery pack release described, 16 location, 15
BJ Cartridge changing, 52 ink quality, 8 installation guidelines, 29 installing, 28, 30
removing for Scanner Cartridge, 73
removing protective cap, 31 removing protective tape, 31 replacing, 72
storing, 54 test print, 33
BJ Cartridge Storage Container
option, 13
storing BJ Cartridge, 54 BJ Mode
Font sample, 49 Ripple Pattern sample, 48
black and white switching to colour, 51
Black BJ Cartridge
Bubble Jet Paper
Media Type setting, 42 print side, 42 purpose, 42
See also “battery pack”, 21 CARTRIDGE button
described, 17 location, 17
character sets
BJ Mode, 108, 109, 110 EPSON, 112
Graphics Character Table, 113 international, 111
Italics Character Table, 113