zIf You Are Using a Single Telephone Line for Faxes and Voice Calls and Want to Receive Faxes Automatically:
Select FAX priority mode.
(A)Incoming call
(B)Voice call: The machine will ring. Pick up the handset to answer the call.
(C)Fax: The machine receives faxes automatically.
zThe machine does not ring when it receives faxes. It also takes a little time until the machine rings when the call was a voice call. If you want it to ring immediately, set to TEL priority mode.
zThe following settings can be modified to control how your machine handles incoming calls. Specify the FAX priority mode settings in RX settings under FAX settings. Refer to “FAX priority mode” in “Device Settings” of the User’s Guide
–The time the machine takes to determine whether a call is a fax or a voice call
–The time the machine rings when the call was a voice call
–Whether or not the machine receives the fax after the specified ring time has elapsed
zThe telephone may not ring depending upon the telephone type.
zIf You Want to Receive Only Faxes Automatically with Your Machine, or Have a Dedicated Telephone Line for Fax Use Only:
Select FAX only mode.
(A)Incoming call
(B)Receives faxes automatically.
zThe machine does not ring when it receives faxes.
zIf you want to use the machine with a telephone or answering machine, connect it to the machine and change to FAX priority mode or TEL priority mode.
Faxing 91