Syntax:OneSampleZTest "ƫ condition", ƫ0, Σ, List[, Freq]

Output Values: Z, p, M, sx, n are assigned respectively to variables z, p, M, sx, n and to ListAns elements 1 through 5.

TwoSampleZTest: Executes 2-sample Z-test calculation.

Syntax:TwoSampleZTest "ƫ1 condition", Σ1, Σ2, M1, n1, M2, n2

Output Values: Z, p, M1, M2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to variables z, p, M1, M2, n1, n2 and to ListAns elements 1 through 6.

Syntax:TwoSampleZTest "ƫ1 condition", Σ1, Σ2, List1, List2[, Freq1 [, Freq2]]

Output Values: Z, p, M1, M2, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to variables z, p, M1, M2, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 and to ListAns elements 1 through 8.

OnePropZTest: Executes 1-proportion Z-test calculation.

Syntax:OnePropZTest "p condition", p0, x, n

Output Values: Z, p, , n are assigned respectively to variables z, p, , n and to ListAns elements 1 through 4.

TwoPropZTest: Executes 2-proportion Z-test calculation.

Syntax:TwoPropZTest "p1 condition", x1, n1, x2, n2

Output Values: Z, p, 1, 2, , n1, n2 are assigned respectively to variables z, p, 1, 2, , n1, n2 and to ListAns elements 1 through 7.

t Test

OneSampleTTest: Executes 1-sample t-test calculation.

Syntax:OneSampleTTest "ƫ condition", ƫ0, M, sx, n

OneSampleTTest "ƫ condition", ƫ0, List[, Freq]

Output Values: t, p, M, sx, n are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 5.

TwoSampleTTest: Executes 2-sample t-test calculation.

Syntax :TwoSampleTTest "ƫ1 condition", M1, sx1, n1, M2, sx2, n2[,Pooled condition] TwoSampleTTest "ƫ1 condition", List1, List2, [, Freq1[, Freq2[, Pooled condition ]]]

Output Values: When Pooled condition = 0, t, p, df, M1 M2, sx1, sx2, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 9.

When Pooled condition = 1, t, p, df, M1, M2, sx1, sx2, sp, n1, n2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 10.

Note:Specify 0 when you want to turn off the Pooled condition and 1 when you want to turn it on. Omitting the input is treated as Pooled condition off.

LinRegTTest: Executes linear regression t-test calculation.

Syntax:LinRegTTest "ơ&Ρ condition", XList, YList[, Freq]

Output Values: t, p, df, a, b, s, r, r2 are assigned respectively to the variables with the same names and to ListAns elements 1 through 8.
