User’s Guide
To select the RUN • MAT mode
Parentheses Calculations
Converting an Improper Fraction to a Mixed Fraction
Converting a Fraction to Its Decimal Equivalent
Box Zoom
Precautions when Using this Product
Getting Acquainted — Read This First
Basic Operation
Manual Calculations
Chapter 6 Statistical Graphs and Calculations
Chapter 7 Financial Calculation (TVM)
Chapter 11 System Settings Menu
Data Communications
Getting Acquainted
— Read This First
About this User’s Guide
u m EQUA
Getting Acquainted
Left hand page
Right hand page
3. Draw the graph
Basic Operation
the e • ACT or RUN • MAT
e • ACT or RUN • MAT
kKey Markings
Key Operation
Use this mode to perform spreadsheet calculations. Each
to the calculator’s built-incommands and S • SHT mode
in the STAT mode
kAbout the Function Menu
• Next Menu
Selecting displays a menu of hyperbolic functions
• Command Input
Selecting inputs the sinh command
kNormal Display
uHow to interpret exponential format
kSpecial Display Formats
kCalculation Execution Indicator
1-3Inputting and Editing Calculations
To abort this operation, press !D(INS) again
uTo delete a step
Example To change 369 ⋅ ⋅ 2 to 369 ⋅
uTo insert a step
uTo change the last step you input
kUsing Replay Memory
Example 1 To perform the following two calculations
4.12⋅ 6.4
4.12⋅ 7.1
kMaking Corrections in the Original Calculation
Example 14 ⎟ 0 ⋅ 2.3 entered by mistake for 14 ⎟ 10 ⋅ 2.3 Abe/a*c.d
kUsing the Clipboard for Copy and Paste
uTo specify the copy range
Linear input mode
Math input mode
uTo cut the text
uPasting Text
kCatalog Function
You can use either of the following two methods to input a command
To do this:
uTo input a command with
uOnboard Function Manual
kInput Operations in the Math Input Mode
uMath Input Mode Functions and Symbols
Fraction (Improper)
Mixed Fraction*1
uUsing the MATH Menu
uMath Input Mode Input Examples
Example 1 To input 23 +
Example 4 To input 2 ⋅
u When the calculation does not fit within the display window
uInserting a Function into an Existing Expression
u To insert a function into an existing expression
To insert the ' function into the expression 1 + (2 + 3) + 4 so the
parenthetical expression becomes the argument of the function
2.Press !D(INS)
u Functions that Support Insertion
Expression After
uEditing Calculations in the Math Input Mode
Move the cursor from the end of the calculation to the beginning
Move the cursor from the beginning of the calculation to the end
uMath Input Mode Calculation Result Display
Sample Calculation Result Displays
uMath Input Mode Input Restrictions
1-4Option (OPTN) Menu
uOption menu when a number table value is displayed in the TABLE or
RECUR mode
1-5Variable Data (VARS) Menu
u STAT — Recalling statistical data
u GRPH — Recalling Graph Functions
... parametric graph function {Xt}/{Yt}
• {X} ... {X=constant graph function}
(Press these keys before inputting a value to specify a storage memory.)
u RECR — Recalling Recursion Formula*1, Table Range, and Table Content Data
• {FORM} ... {recursion formula data menu}
• {an}/{an+1}/{an+2}/{bn}/{bn+1}/{bn+2}/{cn}/{cn+1}/{cn+2}
... {an}/{an+1}/{an+2}/{bn}/{bn+1}/{bn+2}/{cn}/{cn+1}/{cn+2} expressions
• {RANG} ... {table range data menu}
1-6Program (PRGM) Menu
1-7Syntax Help
1-8Using the Setup Screen
uFrac Result (fraction result display format)
uFunc Type (graph function type)
uLabel (graph axis label display)
uSyntax Help (syntax help display setting)
uDisplay (display format)
uStat Wind (statistical graph V-Windowsetting method)
uBackground (graph display background)
u Sketch Line (overlaid line type)
uDynamic Type (dynamic graph type)
uDate Mode (number of days per year setting)
... interest calculations using {365}*1/{360} days per year
uAuto Calc (spreadsheet auto calc)
... {execute}/{not execute} the formulas automatically
1-9Using Screen Capture
1-10When you keep having problems…
kLow Battery Message
Manual Calculations
2-1Basic Calculations
kNumber of Decimal Places, Number of Significant Digits, Normal
Display Range
[SET UP] - [Display] - [Fix] / [Sci] / [Norm]
200 ⎟ 7 ⋅ 14
3 decimal places
Calculation continues using
2Type B functions
3Power/root ^(xy), x
4Fractions a b/c
Abbreviated multiplication format in front of
kMultiplication Operations without a Multiplication Sign
2π, 2AB, 3Ans, 3Y1, etc
3(5 + 6), (A + 1)(B – 1), etc
kOverflow and Errors
kMemory Capacity
2-2Special Functions
uTo display the contents of a variable
To display the contents of variable A
uTo clear a variable
To clear variable A
uTo assign the same value to more than one variable
uTo store a function
Example To store the function (A+B) (A–B)as function memory number
uTo delete a function
Example To delete the contents of function memory number
uTo use stored functions
y = x3 + x2 + x +
Xmin = – 4
kAnswer Function
uTo use the contents of the answer memory in a calculation
Example 123 + 456 = 579789 – 579
Abcd+efgw hij-!-(Ans)w
kHistory Function
To change “1+2” to “1+3” and recalculate
Perform the following operation following the sample shown above
numeric value stack
command stack
program subroutine stack
kUsing Multistatements
• Colon (:)
• Display Result Command (^)
2-3Specifying the Angle Unit and Display Format
uTo specify the number of significant digits (Sci)
To specify three significant digits
uTo specify the normal display (Norm 1/Norm 2)
Press 3(Norm) to switch between Norm 1 and Norm
2-4Function Calculations
uAngle Units, Coordinate Conversion, Sexagesimal Operations (ANGL)
•{°}/{r}/{g} ... {degrees}/{radians}/{grads} for a specific input value
•{° ’ ”} ... {converts decimal value to degrees/minutes/seconds value}*1
kAngle Units
• Be sure to specify Comp for Mode in the Setup screen
47.3° + 82.5rad = 4774.20181° 47.3+82.5K6(g)5(ANGL)2(r)w
kTrigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions
kLogarithmic and Exponential Functions
log 1.23 (log101.23)
kHyperbolic and Inverse Hyperbolic Functions
kOther Functions
kRandom Number Generation (Ran#)
Ran# (Generates a random number.)
(Each press of w generates a new random
kCoordinate Conversion
→ 24.98979792 (r)
255.928 → 55.92839019 (θ) K6(g)5(ANGL)6(g)1(Pol() 14,20.7)wJ
kPermutation and Combination
u Permutation
u Combination
––+ 3 ––= –––
Switching between improper fraction and mixed fraction format
Switching between fraction and decimal format
kEngineering Notation Calculations
kLogical Operators (AND, OR, NOT)
What is the logical AND of A and B when A = 3 and B = 2
What is the logical OR of A and B when A = 5 and B = 1
uAbout Logical Operations
2-5Numerical Calculations
kDifferential Calculations
K4(CALC)2(d/dx) f(x),a,tol)
(a: point for which you want to determine the
derivative, tol: tolerance)
To determine the derivative at point x = 3 for the function
y = x3 + 4x2 + x – 6, with a tolerance of “tol” = 1E –
Input the function f(x)
uApplications of Differential Calculations
––– f (a) = f '(a)
––– g (a) = g'(a)
f '(a) + g'(a), f '(a) ⋅ g'(a), etc
kQuadratic Differential Calculations
K4(CALC)3(d2/dx2) f(x),a,tol)
(a: differential coefficient point, tol: tolerance)
–––( f (x), a)
uQuadratic Differential Applications
• Arithmetic operations can be performed using two quadratic differentials
––– f (a) = f ''(a)
∫( f(x), a, b, tol) ⇒ ∫ab f(x)dx
uApplication of Integration Calculation
• Integrals can be used in addition, subtraction, multiplication or division
f (x) dx + ∫c
∫ab f (x)dx = ∫ac f (x)dx + (–∫cb f (x)dx)
∫ab f (x)dx = ∫ax1 f (x)dx + ∫xx1 2 f (x)dx +.....+ ∫xb4 f (x)dx
kΣ Calculations
K4(CALC)6(g)3(Σ( ) ak , k , α , β , n )
Σ (ak, k, α, β, n) = Σ ak =aα + aα +1 +........+ aβ
(n: distance between partitions)
Sn + Tn, Sn – Tn, etc
kMaximum/Minimum Value Calculations
uMinimum Value
uMaximum Value
AK4(CALC)6(g)2(FMax) -vx+cv+c
2-6Complex Number Calculations
kArithmetic Operations
Example 1 (1 + 2i) + (2 + 3i)
Example 2 (2 + i) ⋅ (2 – i)
kReciprocals, Square Roots, and Squares
kComplex Number Format Using Polar Form
kAbsolute Value and Argument
To calculate absolute value (r) and argument (Ƨ) for the complex
number 3 + 4i, with the angle unit set for degrees
Imaginary axis
kExtraction of Real and Imaginary Parts
To extract the real and imaginary parts of the complex number 2 +
kPolar and Rectangular Form Transformation
2-7Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Calculations with Integers
uTo perform a binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal calculation
[SET UP]-[Mode]-[Dec]/[Hex]/[Bin]/[Oct]
kSelecting a Number System
uTo specify a number system for an input value
uTo input values of mixed number systems
Example To input 12310 or 10102, when the default number system is hexadecimal
Example 1 To calculate 101112 +
!m(SET UP)c2(Dec)J
kNegative Values and Bitwise Operations
Example 2 To display the result of “368 or 11102” as an octal value
Example 3 To negate 2FFFED16
u Number System Transformation
2-8Matrix Calculations
kInputting and Editing Matrices
u Creating a Matrix
uTo input cell values
To input the following data into Matrix B :
To exit the Matrix input screen, press J
uDeleting Matrices
uTo delete a specific matrix
uTo delete all matrices
kMatrix Cell Operations
uTo calculate the scalar multiplication of a row
4 :
4, then add the result to row 3 :
uTo add two rows together
Matrix A = 3
u Row Operations
uTo delete a row
uTo insert a row
uTo add a row
uColumn Operations
uTo delete a column
uTo insert a column
uTo add a column
kModifying Matrices Using Matrix Commands
uTo display the matrix commands
u Matrix Data Input Format
... a1n
... a2n
uTo input an identity matrix
Example 2 To create a 3 ⋅ 3 identity matrix as Matrix A
uTo check the dimensions of a matrix
Example 3 To check the dimensions of Matrix A, which was input in Example
Example 4 To specify dimensions of 2 rows and 3 columns for Matrix B
uModifying Matrices Using Matrix Commands
uTo assign values to and recall values from an existing matrix
Example 1 Assign 10 to the cell at row 1, column 2 of the following matrix :
uTo fill a matrix with identical values and to combine two matrices into a
single matrix
Example 1 To fill all of the cells of Matrix A with the value
uTo assign the contents of a matrix column to a list [OPTN]-[MAT]-[M→L]
kMatrix Calculations
uMatrix Arithmetic Operations
Example 1 To add the following two matrices (Matrix A + Matrix B) :
Obtain the determinant for the following matrix :
−1 −2
uRow Echelon Form
To find the row echelon form of the following matrix:
uReduced Row Echelon Form
Matrix Calculations
uMatrix Inversion
To invert the following matrix:
uRaising a Matrix to a Power
To raise the following matrix to the third power:
uDetermining the Absolute Value, Integer Part, Fraction Part, and
kPerforming Matrix Calculations Using Natural Input
To perform the calculation shown below
uTo assign a matrix created using natural input to a MAT mode matrix
List Function
3-1Inputting and Editing a List
uTo batch input a series of values
1.Use the cursor keys to move the highlighting to another list
!*( { )g,h,i!/( } )
3.Press w to store all of the values in your list. w
2.Press K and input the expression
kEditing List Values
uTo change a cell value
uTo edit the contents of a cell
uTo delete a cell
uTo delete all cells in a list
uTo insert a new cell
kNaming a List
uTo name a list
kSorting List Values
uTo sort a single list
Ascending order
Descending order
uTo sort multiple lists
3-2Manipulating List Data
uTo count the number of data items in a list
To count the number of values in List 1 (36, 16, 58, 46, 56)
uTo create a list or matrix by specifying the number of data items
Matrix A
uTo replace all data items with the same value
uTo generate a sequence of numbers
contains the smallest value
To find which of two lists contains the greatest value
uTo calculate the mean of data items
Example To calculate the mean of data items in List 1 (36, 16, 58, 46
uTo calculate the mean of data items of specified frequency
uTo calculate the median of data items of specified frequency
uTo combine lists
uTo calculate the sum of data items in a list[OPTN]-[LIST]-[Sum]
uTo calculate the product of values in a list
To calculate the product of values in List 1 (2, 3, 6, 5, 4)
uTo calculate the cumulative frequency of each data item
(2, 3, 6, 5, 4)
To calculate the percentage represented by each data item in List
uTo calculate the differences between neighboring data inside a list
K1(LIST)6(g)6(g)5(A)<list number 1-26>w
3-3Arithmetic Calculations Using Lists
uTo directly input a list of values
uTo assign the contents of one list to another list
Example 1 To assign the contents of List 3 to List
Example 2 To assign the list in ListAns Memory to List
uTo recall the value in a specific list cell
uTo input a value into a specific list cell
kRecalling List Contents
uTo use list contents in ListAns Memory in a calculation
Example To multiply the list contents in ListAns Memory by
kGraphing a Function Using a List
kInputting Scientific Calculations into a List
Example To use the TABLE mode to create a number table for the formula (Y1
x2 –1),and then copy the table to List 1 in the STAT mode
kPerforming Scientific Function Calculations Using a List
To use List 3
and List
3-4Switching Between List Files
Equation Calculations
4-1Simultaneous Linear Equations
To solve the following simultaneous linear equations for x, y, and z
4x + y – 2z
= –
x + 6y +
– 5x + 4y +
4-2Quadratic and Cubic Equations
x3 – 2x2 – x + 2
4-3Solve Calculations
9.8 (m/s2)
H = VT – 1/2 GT2
4-4What to Do When an Error Occurs
5-1Sample Graphs
To graph y
36(DRAW) (or w)
kHow to draw a simple graph (2)
Y1 = 2x2 – 3, r2 = 3sin2θ
kHow to draw a simple graph (3)
Graph Type
Graph the circle (X–1)2 + (Y–1)2
3 bwbwcw
kHow to draw a simple graph (4)
5-2Controlling What Appears on a Graph Screen
uV-WindowSetting Precautions
kInitializing and Standardizing the V-Window
uTo initialize the V-Window
uTo initialize the V-Windowin accordance with an angle unit
uTo standardize the V-Window
uTo store V-Windowsettings
3.Press 4(STO) to display the pop-upwindow
Press a number key to specify the
uTo recall V-Windowmemory settings
kSpecifying the Graph Range
Graph y = x2 + 3x – 2 within the range – 2 < x
Xmin = –3
Xmax = 5
Ymax = 30
Graph y = (x + 5)(x + 4)(x + 3), and then perform a box zoom
Xmin = –8
Xmax = 8
Ymin = –4
Ymax = 2
kFactor Zoom
Controlling What Appears on a Graph Screen
Enlarge the graphs of the two expressions shown below five times on
both the x- and y-axisto see if they are tangent
Y1 = (x + 4)(x + 1)(x – 3), Y2 = 3x +
Ymin = –30
5-3Drawing a Graph
uTo store a polar coordinate function (r=) *1
Example To store the following expression in memory area r2 : r = 5 sin3θ
3(TYPE)2(r=) (Specifies polar coordinate expression.)
fsdv(Inputs expression.)
w(Stores expression.)
uTo store an X = constant expression *1
Example To store the following expression in memory area X4 : X
3(TYPE)4(X=c) (Specifies X = constant expression.) d(Inputs expression.)
uTo store an inequality *1
Example To store the following inequality in memory area Y5 : y > x2 − 2x −
uTo assign values to the coefficients and variables of a graph function
Memory Area Type
Default Variable
Y1 (3) and Y1 (X = 3) are identical values
kEditing and Deleting Functions
uTo edit a function in memory
uTo change the line style of a graph function
uTo change the type of a function *1
Example To change the function in memory area Y1 from y = 2x2 – 3 to y < 2x2 –
kSelecting Functions for Graphing
uTo specify the draw/non-drawstatus of a graph
Y1 = 2x2 – 5, r2 = 5 sin3θ
Xmin = –5
Ymin = –5
kGraph Memory
A single save operation saves the following data in graph memory
•All graph functions in the currently displayed Graph relation list (up to 20)
•Graph types
•Function graph line information
5-4Storing a Graph in Picture Memory
5-5Drawing Two Graphs on the Same Screen
Graph y = x(x + 1)(x – 1) in the main screen and sub-screen
(Main Screen)
Xmin = –2
Xmax = 2
Ymin = –2
kGraphing Two Different Functions
kUsing Zoom to Enlarge the Sub-screen
Box Zoom to enlarge it
5-6Manual Graphing
Graph y = 2x2 + 3x –
kIntegration Graph
Ymin = –8
Ymax = 12
kDrawing Multiple Graphs on the Same Screen
To graph y = Ax2 – 3 as the value of A changes in the sequence 3, 1
2!m(SET UP)cc3(Off)J
3!3(V-WIN) -fwfwbwc
kUsing Copy and Paste to Graph a Function
There are two types of functions you can paste into the graph screen
Type 1 (Y= expression)
Example: To paste Y=X and graph it
• Any spaces to the left of Y are ignored
previously copied function Y=X from the clipboard
5-7Using Tables
uTo generate a table using a list
1.While the Table relation list is on the screen, display the Setup screen
2.Highlight Variable and then press 2(LIST) to display the pop-upwindow
3.Select the list whose values you want to assign for the x-variable
To select List 6, for example, press
To scroll the display and view parts of the table that do not fit in the display
•To change x variable values by replacing values in column
Press 1(FORM) or J to return to the Table relation list
uTo generate a differential number table *1
uSpecifying the function type
uTo edit a function
Example To change the function in memory area Y1 from y = 3x2 – 2 to y = 3x2 –
kEditing Tables
uTo change variable values in a table
uRow Operations
Example To add a new row below Row 7 in the table generated on page
uDeleting a Table
kCopying a Table Column to a List
uTo copy a table to a list
kDrawing a Graph from a Number Table
1.From the Main Menu, enter the TABLE mode
3.Store the functions
4.Specify the table range
5.Generate the table
Store the two functions below, generate a number table, and then draw
a line graph. Specify a range of –3to 3, and an increment of
Y1 = 3x2 – 2, Y2
Xmin = 0
Xmax = 6
kSpecifying a Range for Number Table Generation
Store the three functions shown below, and then generate a table for
functions Y1 and Y3. Specify a range of –3to 3, and an increment of
Y1 = 3x2 – 2, Y2 = x + 4, Y3
23(TYPE)1(Y=) dvx-cwv+ew
kSimultaneously Displaying a Number Table and Graph
3.On the Setup screen, select T+G for Dual Screen
5.Specify the table range
6.The number table is displayed in the sub-screenon the right
7.Specify the graph type and draw the graph
Store the function Y1 = 3x2 – 2 and simultaneously display its number
table and line graph. Use a table range of –3to 3 with an increment of
3!m(SET UP)cc1(T+G)J
kUsing Graph-TableLinking
2.Make the required V-Windowsettings
3.Input the function of the graph and make the required table range settings
5(G • CON) ... connect type graph
5.Press K2(GLINK) to enter the Graph-TableLinking mode
increment of
Xmin = –1
Xmax = 10
Ymin = –1
Ymax = 4
5-8Dynamic Graphing
Dynamic Graphing
Use Dynamic Graph to graph y = A (x – 1)2 – 1, in which the value of
coefficient A changes from 2 through 5 in increments of 1. The Graph
is drawn 10 times
Xmin = –6.3
kDrawing a Dynamic Graph Locus
kDynamic Graph Application Examples
The path over time T of a ball thrown in the air at initial velocity V and
an angle of θ degrees from horizontal can be calculated as follows
X = (Vcos θ)T, Y = (Vsin θ)T – (1/2)gT2 (g = 9.8m/s2)
Use Dynamic Graph to plot the path of a ball thrown at an initial
velocity of 20 meters per second, at horizontal angles of 30, 45, and
kAdjusting the Dynamic Graph Speed
kGraph Calculation DOT Switching Function
kUsing Dynamic Graph Memory
The following is all of the data that makes up a set
•Graph functions (up to 20)
•Dynamic Graph conditions
•Setup screen settings
5-9Graphing a Recursion Formula
Generate a number table from recursion between three terms
as expressed by an+2 = an+1 + an, with initial terms of a1 = 1, a2
(Fibonacci sequence), as n changes in value from 1 to
kGraphing a Recursion Formula (1)
Graphing a Recursion Formula
Generate a number table from recursion between two terms as
expressed by an+1 = 2an + 1, with an initial term of a1 = 1, as n changes
in value from 1 to 6. Use the table values to draw a line graph
Ymin = –15
kGraphing a Recursion Formula (2)
Generate a number table from recursion between two terms as
in value from 1 to 6. Use the table values to draw a plot line graph with
ordinate Σan, abscissa n
2!m(SET UP)1(On)J
3!3(V-WIN) awgwbwc
kWEB Graph (Convergence, Divergence)
To draw the WEB graph for the recursion formula an+1 = –3(an)2 + 3an
bn+1 = 3bn + 0.2, and check for divergence or convergence. Use the
following table range and V-Windowsettings
Table Range
Start = 0, End = 6, a0 = 0.01, anStr = 0.01, b0 = 0.11, bnStr
kGraphing a Recursion Formula on Dual Screen
4.Specify the recursion formula type and input the formula
3!m(SET UP)ccc1(T+G)J
85(G • CON)
5-10Changing the Appearance of a Graph
Draw a line that is tangent to point (2, 0) on the graph for
y = x (x + 2)(x – 2)
3!m(SET UP)cccccc1()J
kInserting Comments
You can insert comments anywhere you want in a graph
1.Draw the graph
Insert text into the graph y = x (x + 2)(x – 2)
!3(V-WIN) -fwfwbwc
-fwfwbwJ 3(TYPE)1(Y=)v(v+c)(v-c)w
3 f~f d~d a-(Y)!.(=)v(v+c)(v-c)
kFreehand Drawing
kChanging the Graph Background
5-11Function Analysis
Read coordinates along the graph of the function shown below
Y1 = x2 –
2!3(V-WIN) -fwfwbwc
kDisplaying the Derivative
kGraph to Table
Function Analysis
Save, in a table, the coordinates in the vicinity of the points of
intersection at X = 0 for the two graphs shown below, and store the
table contents in List
Y1 = x2 – 3, Y2 = – x +
kCoordinate Rounding
3(TYPE)1(Y=) vx-dw
4!1(TRCE) d~d
kCalculating the Root
Draw the graph shown below and calculate the root for Y1
Y1 = x(x + 2)(x – 2)
kCalculating the Point of Intersection of Two Graphs
Graph the two functions shown below, and determine the point of
intersection between Y1 and Y2
Y1 = x + 1, Y2
!3(V-WIN) -fwfwbwc -fwfwbwJ
3(TYPE)1(Y=) v+bw
kDetermining the Coordinates for Given Points
Graph the two functions shown below and then determine the y
coordinate for x = 0.5 and the x-coordinatefor y = 2.2 on graph Y2
Y1 = x + 1, Y2 = x(x + 2)(x – 2)
Xmax = 6.3, Xscale
Ymax = 3.1, Yscale = 1 (initial defaults)
kCalculating the lntegral Value for a Given Range
at (–2,0)
kConic Section Graph Analysis
uParabolic Graph Analysis
uTo calculate the focus, vertex and length of latus rectum
To determine the focus, vertex and length of latus rectum for the
parabola X = (Y – 2)2 +
uTo calculate the center and radius
To determine the center and radius for the circle
(X + 2)2 + (Y + 1)2
uTo calculate the x- and y-intercepts
To determine the x- and y-interceptsfor the hyperbola
(X – 3)2
(Y – 1)2
uTo draw and analyze the axis of symmetry and directrix
X = 2(Y – 1)2 +
uTo draw and analyze the asymptotes
To draw the asymptotes for the hyperbola
(X – 1)2
Statistical Graphs and Calculations
6-1Before Performing Statistical Calculations
kChanging Graph Parameters
•{GPH1}/{GPH2}/{GPH3} ... graph {1}/{2}/{3} drawing*1
•{SET} ... {graph settings (graph type, list assignments)}
1. General graph settings
• Mark Type
This setting lets you specify the shape of the plot points on the graph
uTo display the general graph settings screen
Pressing 1(GRPH)6(SET) displays the general graph settings screen
•StatGraph (statistical graph specification)
2. Graph draw/non-drawstatus
1. Pressing 1(GRPH)4(SEL) displays the graph On/Off screen
•{On}/{Off} ... {On (draw)}/{Off (non-draw)}
•{DRAW} ... {draws all On graphs}
6-2Calculating and Graphing Single-VariableStatistical Data
kMed-boxGraph (MedBox)
kNormal Distribution Curve (N • Dis)
π) xσn
kBroken Line Graph (Brkn)
kDisplaying the Calculation Results of a Drawn Single-VariableGraph
6-3Calculating and Graphing Paired-VariableStatistical Data
Input the two sets of data shown below. Next, plot the data on a
scatter diagram and connect the dots to produce an xy line graph
k Drawing a Regression Graph
Input the two sets of data shown below and plot the data on a scatter
diagram. Next, perform logarithmic regression on the data to display
the regression parameters, and then draw the corresponding
regression graph
0.5, 1.2, 2.4, 4.0
kSelecting the Regression Type
•{2VAR} ... {paired-variablestatistical results}
kDisplaying Regression Calculation Results
kGraphing Statistical Calculation Results
kLinear Regression Graph
The graphic representation of this relationship is a linear regression graph
The following is the linear regression model formula
y = ax + b
kQuadratic/Cubic/Quartic Regression Graph
Quadratic regression
y = ax2 + bx + c
y = ax3 + bx2 + cx + d
Quartic regression
kLogarithmic Regression Graph
kExponential Regression Graph
y = a·ebx
kPower Regression Graph
y = a·xb
kSinusoidal Regression Graph
kLogistic Regression Graph
The following is the logistic regression model formula
1 + ae–bx
kResidual Calculation
kDisplaying the Calculation Results of a Drawn Paired-VariableGraph
kCopying a Regression Graph Formula to the GRAPH Mode
kMultiple Graphs
k Overlaying a Function Graph on a Statistical Graph
Input the two sets of data shown below. Next, plot the data on a scatter
diagram and overlay a function graph y = 2ln
-c.bwa.dw b.fwcwc.ew 1(GRPH)1(GPH1)
6-4Performing Statistical Calculations
kSingle-VariableStatistical Calculations
kPaired-VariableStatistical Calculations
kRegression Calculation
You can directly determine the same expression from the data input screen
To display single-variableregression parameters
u Calculation of the Coefficient of Determination (r2) and MSe
2. Input the value you want for x and then press w
This causes the coordinates for
After you are finished, press
•The Y-CALfunction can also be used with a graph drawn by using DefG feature
uRegression Formula Copy Function from a Regression Calculation Result
kEstimated Value Calculation ( , )
kNormal Probability Distribution Calculation
Standard Normal Distribution
175.5 cm tall student fall
2.Input the height data into List 1 and the frequency data into List
3.Perform the single-variablestatistical calculations.*1
k Drawing a Normal Probability Distribution Graph
kZ Tests
uZ Test Common Functions
u1-Sample Z Test
o – μ0
u2-Sample Z Test
u1-Prop Z Test
– p0
p0 (1– p0)
u2-Prop Z Test
p(1– p )
kt Tests
ut Test Common Functions
• 1(T) ... Displays t score
Press J to clear the t score
u 1-Sample t Test
u 2-Sample t Test
n1 + n2 –
df = n1 + n2 –
u LinearReg t Test
Σ(x – o)( y – p)
1 – r
Σ(x – o)2
β G 0 & ρ G 0
constant term
standard error
kχ2 Test
Expected counts
χ2 value
degrees of freedom
You can use the following graph analysis functions after drawing a graph
• 1(CHI) ... Displays χ2 value
k 2-Sample F Test
F value
mean of sample 1 (Displayed only for Data: List setting.)
mean of sample 2 (Displayed only for Data: List setting.)
How Many
selects One-WayANOVA or Two-WayANOVA (number of
Line 1 (A)
Factor A df value, SS value, MS value, F value, p-value
Line 2 (ERR)
k ANOVA (Two-Way)
6-6Confidence Interval
u General Confidence Interval Precautions
kZ Interval
u 1-Sample Z Interval
The following is the confidence interval
Left = o – Z
Right = o + Z
confidence interval lower limit (left edge)
u 2-Sample Z Interval
Left = (o1 – o2) – Z
u 1-Prop Z Interval
n :
n n 1– n
x :
u 2-Prop Z Interval
Left = x1 – x2 – Z α
Right = x1 – x2 +Z α
α xσn–1
u 2-Sample t Interval
Left = (o
α x1σn–12
u Common Distribution Functions
The following is the general procedure for using the P-CALfunction
After drawing a distribution graph, press
2.Input the value you want for x and then press w
This causes the
k Normal Distribution
u Normal Probability Density
u Normal Distribution Probability
u Inverse Cumulative Normal Distribution
∫−∞ f (x)dx = p
∫ f (x)dx = p
f (x)dx = p
k Student-t Distribution
u Student-t Probability Density
f (x)
degrees of freedom (df > 0)
Γ 2 π df
k χ2 Distribution
u χ2 Probability Density
χ2 probability density
u χ2 Distribution Probability
kF Distribution
uF Probability Density
1 + nx
F probability density
uF Distribution Probability
1 +
k Binomial Distribution
u Binomial Probability
f (x) = nCxpx(1–p)n –
(x = 0, 1, ·······, n)
p : success probability
u Binomial Cumulative Density
k Poisson Distribution
u Poisson Probability
u Poisson Cumulative Density
k Geometric Distribution
u Geometric Probability
u Geometric Cumulative Density
7-1Before Performing Financial Calculations
7-2Simple Interest
7-3Compound Interest
7-4Cash Flow (Investment Appraisal)
7-1Before Performing Financial Calculations
kGraphing in the TVM Mode
•Zoom, Scroll, and Sketch cannot be used in the TVM mode
Note that graphs should be used only for reference purposes when viewing
7-2Simple Interest
⋅ PV ⋅
7-3Compound Interest
PMT = –
uConverting between the nominal interest rate and effective interest rate
) –1
100 ⋅ [C / Y ]
When calculating n, PV, PMT, FV
number of compound periods
of savings)
payment for each installment (payment in case of loan;
7-4Cash Flow (Investment Appraisal)
n –
NPVn+1 – NPVn
7-6Interest Rate Conversion
7-7Cost, Selling Price, Margin
7-8Day/Date Calculations
360-dayDate Mode Calculations
8-1Basic Programming Steps
Store the calculation formula under the file name OCTA
S = 2'3 A2, V = ––––A3
3!J(PRGM)4(?)aav(A)6(g)5(:)*2 c*!x(')d*av(A)x6(g)5(^)
8-2PRGM Mode Function Keys
uWhen you are inputting a program —— 2(BASE)*1
8-3Editing Program Contents
kUsing an Existing Program to Create a New Program
kSearching for Data Inside a Program
Example To search for the letter “A” inside the program named OCTA
1.Recall the program
2.Press 3(SRC) and input the data you want to find
8-4File Management
kEditing a file name
Example To change the name of a file from TRIANGLE to ANGLE
While the program list is on the display, use
2.Make any changes you want
uTo delete all programs
kRegistering a password
After inputting the program, press
kRecalling a Password Protected Program
Example To recall the file named AREA which is protected by the password
In the program list, use
8-5Command Reference
kBasic Operation Commands
? (Input Command)
Example: ? → A
^(Output Command)
: (Multi-statementCommand)
_(Carriage Return)
’ (Comment Text Delimiter)
kProgram Commands (COM)
: Then <statement
Parameters: expression
kProgram Control Commands (CTL)
Syntax: Break
Syntax: Return
Syntax: Stop
kJump Commands (JUMP)
⇒(Jump Code)
kClear Commands (CLR)
Syntax: ClrGraph
kDisplay Commands (DISP)
DispF-Tbl, DispR-Tbl
DrawFTG-Con, DrawFTG-Plt
kInput/Output Commands (I/O)
Syntax: Getkey
Example: Cls
Receive ( / Send
kConditional Jump Relational Operators (REL)
8-6Using Calculator Functions in Programs
uTo calculate a scalar multiplication (`Row)
uTo add two rows (Row+)
Example 4 To add Row 2 to Row 3 of the matrix in Example
kUsing Graph Functions in a Program
Example Program
uSyntax of other graphing functions
kUsing Dynamic Graph Functions in a Program
•Dynamic Graph range 1 → D Start
kUsing Table & Graph Functions in a Program
kUsing Recursion Table & Graph Functions in a Program
kUsing List Sort Functions in a Program
kUsing Solve Calculation Function in a Program
Solve( f(x), n, a, b)
Upper limit
Lower limit
Initial estimated value
kPerforming Statistical Calculations
8-7PRGM Mode Command List
[VARS] key
[SHIFT] key
BASE Program
8-8Program Library
Program Name Arithmetic-GeometricSequence Differentiation
Example 1 5, 10, 15, ... Arithmetic sequence
Example 2 5, 10, 20, ... Geometric sequence
Program Name Interior Angles and Surface Area of a Triangle
9-1Spreadsheet Overview
kS • SHT Mode Function Menu
•{FILE} … {displays the FILE submenu}
•{NEW} … {creates a new spreadsheet file}
•{SV • AS} … {saves the displayed spreadsheet under a new name (Save As)}
•{STO} … {displays the STO submenu}
•{VAR} … {assigns the contents of a cell to a variable}
•{LIST} … {saves the contents of a range of cells as a list}
•{FILE} … {saves the contents of a range of cells as a file}
•{MAT} … {saves the contents of a range of cells as a matrix}
9-2File Operations and Re-calculation
uTo open a file
uTo delete a file
uTo save a file under a new name (Save As)
1.In the S • SHT mode, press 1(FILE)3(SV • AS)
•This will display a dialog box for entering a file name
2.Enter up to eight characters for the file name, and then press w
kAbout Auto Save
9-3Basic Spreadsheet Screen Operations
Basic Spreadsheet Screen Operations
uTo move the cell cursor using the JUMP command
To move the cell cursor to
Do this:
uTo select an entire line
uTo select an entire column
uTo select all of the cells in a spreadsheet
uTo select a range of cells
1.Move the cell cursor to the start cell of the range you want to select
2.Press !i(CLIP)
This will cause the cell cursor to change from highlighting to a
Selected cells are highlighted
9-4Inputting and Editing Cell Data
uTo replace a cell’s current contents with new input
1.Move the cell cursor to the cell where you want to input data
2.Input the desired data
3.After everything is the way you want, press w
If “Auto Calc” is turned on (page
2.Press 2(EDIT)3(CELL)
3.Edit the data in the edit box
4.After everything is the way you want, press w
kInputting a Formula
uFormula Input Example
uTo input formulas
kUsing Cell References
Relative Cell References
Absolute Cell References
This cell reference:
Does this:
kReferencing a Particular Cell
uTo reference a particular cell
1.Move the cell cursor to cell A2, and then input !.(=)
2.Press 1(GRAB)
To move the cell cursor to here:
kReferencing a Range of Cells
uTo reference a range of cells
5.Press !i(CLIP)
You can use the function menu keys
7.To register the range of cells, press 1(SET)
•This will input the cell range (A6:B7)
8.Press w to store the formula
kInputting the Absolute Reference Symbol ($)
uTo input the absolute reference symbol
Example To input =$A$1 into cell C1
kInputting a Constant
Displayed Result
kInputting Text
kGenerating a Numeric Sequence in a Spreadsheet
uTo generate a numeric sequence in a spreadsheet
following parameters
3.Enter the required items to generate the sequence
•The following describes the required input items
Function f(x) for generating the sequence
kFilling a Range of Cells with the Same Content
uTo fill a range of cells with the same content
4. Press w
5.Press 6(EXE) or the w key
kCut and Paste
uHow cut and paste affects cell references
Let’s say we have a spreadsheet that contains the following data:
A1: 4, B1: =A1+1, C1: =B1+2
Cut B1:C1 (left screen) and paste the data in B2:C2 (right screen)
A1: 4, B1: =A1+1, C1: = $B$1+2
uTo cut and paste spreadsheet data
1.Select the cell(s) you want to cut
See “To select a single cell” (page
2.Press 2(EDIT)1(CUT)
4.Press 1(PASTE)
kCopy and Paste
uTo copy and paste spreadsheet data
1.Select the cell(s) you want to copy
2.Press 2(EDIT)2(COPY)
After you are finish pasting the data where you want, press
kSorting Spreadsheet Data
uTo sort spreadsheet data
kDeleting and Inserting Cells
uTo delete an entire line or column of cells
uTo delete the contents of all the cells in a spreadsheet
uTo insert lines or columns of blank cells
2.Press 4(INS) to display the INS submenu
3.Use the INS submenu to perform the operation you want
To exit the INS submenu without inserting anything, press
kClearing Cell Contents
9-5S • SHT Mode Commands
kS • SHT Mode Command Reference
9-6Statistical Graphs
kConfiguring Graph Parameter Settings
uXCellRange (range x-axisdata cells)
uYCellRange (range y-axisdata cells)
uFrequency (number of times a value occurs)
kGraphing Statistical Data
uTo graph statistical data
Example: Input the following data into a spreadsheet, and then draw a scatter
kConfiguring Range Settings for Graph Data Cells
uTo change the XCellRange and YCellRange settings manually
1.Press 6(SET) on the GRPH submenu to display the graph settings screen
2.Use the f and c cursor keys to move the highlighting to XCellRange
3.Press 1(CELL) or simply input something
kConfiguring the Frequency Setting
uTo specify the frequency of each data item
9-7Using the CALC Function
kConfiguring Statistical Calculation Data Settings
u1Var XCell (x-variablecell range for single-variablestatistical calculations)
u1Var Freq (value frequency)
u2Var XCell (x-variablecell range for paired-variablestatistical calculations)
u2Var YCell (y-variablecell range for paired-variablestatistical calculations)
kExecuting a Statistical Calculation
uTo execute a statistical calculation
9-8Using Memory in the S • SHT Mode
kSaving Spreadsheet Data to List Memory
uTo save the contents of a range of cells to List Memory
1.Select the range of cells whose data you want to save in List Memory
2.Press 6(g)3(STO)2(LIST)
•The “Cell Range” setting will show the range of cells you selected in step
uTo save the contents of a range of cells to File Memory
1. Select the range of cells whose data you want to save in File Memory
2. Press 6(g)3(STO)3(FILE)
3. Press c to move the highlighting to “File [1~6]”
4. Enter a file number in the range of 1 to 6, and then press w
kRecalling Data from Memory
kRecalling Data from List Memory
uTo recall data from a List Memory to a spreadsheet
uTo recall data from a File Memory to a spreadsheet
uTo recall data from a Mat Memory to a spreadsheet
uTo use a variable in a spreadsheet
10-1eActivity Overview
kWorkspace Screen Function Menu
kText Line Function Menu
kMath Line and Stop Line Function Menu
kStrip Function Menu
kBasic eActivity File Operations
1.From the main menu, enter the e • ACT mode
2.Create a new eActivity file
4.Use math lines to enter the expression (2x2 + x – 3 = 0) and solve it
5.Now to draw a graph, insert a Graph strip into the eActivity
6.Graph the expression using the Graph strip
7.Use G-SLVto extract the roots on the graph screen
8.Save the eActivity file
10-2Working with eActivity Files
If the file you want to open is in a folder, use
•This will open the file
If the file you want to delete is in a folder, use
2.Use f and c to highlight the file you want to delete, and then press 3(DEL)
uTo search for a file
10-3Inputting and Editing eActivity File Data
kNavigating around the eActivity Workspace Screen
uTo scroll the eActivity workspace screen vertically
uTo jump to the top or the bottom of the eActivity workspace screen
kUsing a Text Line
uTo input into a text line
uTo change the current line into a text line
uTo insert a text line
Perform this key operation:
located here:
uInputting and Editing Text Line Contents
You can input a carriage return into a text line by pressing
If the text is wrapped into multiple lines, pressing the
kUsing Math Lines
•You can input stop lines in an eActivity
uTo input a calculation formula into an eActivity
•“To change the current line into a math line” below
•“To insert a math line” (page 10-3-6)
2.Input the expression
Example: s$!E(π)cg
uTo insert a math line
To insert a math line while the cursor is
These math lines are not required to test various values for
Substituting a value
will produce a result of
If we wanted to test various values for
and press
kInserting a Strip
Title Field
Screen Name Field
You can input a strip title
up to 16 characters long
uTo insert a strip
When you want to embed this type of data:
Select this type of strip:
DYNA mode Dynamic Graph screen
Dynamic Graph
TVM mode Financial screen
S • SHT mode Spreadsheet screen
uTo change the title of a strip
uTo call up an application from a strip
2.Press w
•Also see “Practical Strip Examples” (page 10-3-13)for more information
Press !a(')
Press !,(,)
On the application list that appears, use
kPractical Strip Examples
uGraph Strip Example
This example shows how to create a Graph strip to graph the function y
3.Press w to call up the graph screen
4.Press !6(G↔T) to display the Graph Editor screen
5.Input the function you want to graph (Y1 = X2 in this example)
6.Press 6(DRAW) to graph the function
7.To return to the eActivity workspace screen, press !a(')
uTable Editor Strip Example
uTo create a Table Editor strip
8.Call up the List Editor screen (page 6-1-1)
9.Input the values into List
10.Return to the Table Editor screen
11.When the Table Editor screen appears, press w
This generates the number table for the function
uTo use copy and paste to draw a graph
Perform steps 1 through 7 under “To create a Graph strip” (page
2.Press 3(INS)1(TEXT) to input a text line
3.Enter the following expression into the text line: Y = X2 –
See “To specify the copy range” (page
kUsing Notes
You can perform the following operations on a Notes screen
u Input and edit text
u Copy and paste text
uNotes Screen Function Menu
kDeleting an eActivity Line or Strip
uTo delete a line or strip
2.Press 6(g)2(DEL • L)
kSaving an eActivity File
uTo replace the existing file with the new version
On the eActivity workspace screen, press 1(FILE)1(SAVE)
1.Press 1(FILE)2(SV • AS)
2.Enter up to eight characters for the eActivity file name, and then press w
10-4Using Matrix Editor and List Editor
kCalling Up List Editor
uTo call up List Editor
To call up List Editor while the cursor is
10-5eActivity File Memory Usage Screen
10-6eActivity Guide
kCreating a Guide
uTo enter the guide creation mode
On the eActivity workspace screen, select a strip and then press
• In this example we will select a Graph Editor strip
2.Press 5(GUIDE)
uTo create an n-keyoperation
uTo create a 1-keyoperation
uTo create an AUTO operation
uTo change the position of the comment box
uTo exit the guide creation mode
1.While creating a guide, press 4(END)
• This will display the dialog box shown to the right
2.Press 1(Yes) or 6(No)
kEditing a Guide
kEditing the Guide You Are Creating
uTo display the key editing screen
Input a value to specify the number of keys you want to jump and then press
• Here we want to jump to the b key, so we will input hw
•{nKEYS} ... {inserts an n-keyoperation at the display position}
•{1-KEY} ...{inserts a 1-keyoperation at the display position}
•{EDIT} ... {starts editing of the key at the current position}
kEditing Example
uTo change −X2 + 1 to −2X2 + 1 (by inserting a c key before the v key)
uTo change −2X2 + 1 to −2X2 + 2 (by overwriting the b key with the c key)
uTo edit an n-keyoperation comment
uTo change −2X2 + 2 to 2X2 + 2 (by deleting the - key)
uTo exit a editing operation
uTo edit the guide of an existing strip from the eActivity workspace screen
uRunning a Guide
4.If exit strip is turned on, press w
•1(Yes) ... Exits the strip and returns to the eActivity workspace screen
•6(No) ... Returns to the screen in step
keActivity Guide Editing Techniques
uTo edit a guide from the end
uTo insert SETUP or V-Windowsetting changes into a key operation sequence
uTo create a guide that starts with list data input
System Settings Menu
11-1Using the System Settings Menu
11-2System Settings
kPower Properties Settings
uTo specify the Auto Power Off trigger time
While the initial
2.Use f and c to select “Auto Power Off”
•1(10) ... {10 minutes} (initial default setting)
kSystem Language Setting
uTo select the message language
uTo select the menu language
11-3Version List
uTo register a user name
Data Communications
12-1Connecting Two Units
12-2Connecting the Unit to a Personal Computer
12-3Performing a Data Communication Operation
kPerforming a Data Transfer Operation
Receiving unit
Sending unit
When 1(MAIN) is pressed
When 2(SMEM) is pressed
•{SEL} ... {selects new data}
•{CRNT} ... {automatically selects previously selected data*1}
uTo send selected data items (Example: To send user data)
uTo execute a send operation
Sending Unit
kSpecifying the Cable Type
kConfiguring the Receiver’s Wakeup Feature
12-4Data Communications Precautions
Capture memory group
Capture memory (1 to 20) data
kExchanging Data with another Model Calculator
12-5Image Transfer
kAuto Image Transfer to an OHP Unit (OH-9860*1)
kConnecting to a Projector
uConnectable Projectors (As of July 2007)
(As of July 2007)
uTo project calculator screen contents from a projector
uPrecautions when Connecting
12-6 Add-ins
kInstalling an Add-inApplication and Message Language Data Using
6.Select the add-inthat you want to install
If you are installing an
7.Click [Open]
•This should cause the imported add-infile to appear in the Computer window
On the calculator, enter the
12-7MEMORY Mode
kMemory Information Screen
Main Memory
Data Name
Storage Memory*1
kCreating a Folder in Storage Memory
uTo create a new folder
uTo rename a folder
kSelecting Data
kCopying Data
uTo copy from main memory to storage memory
kError Checks During Data Copy
Low battery check
Available memory check
A “Memory Full” error occurs if there is not enough memory available
A “Too Many Data” error occurs when the number of data items is too great
Type mismatch error check
kDeleting Files
uTo delete a main memory file
uTo delete a storage memory file
uTo search for a file in the main memory
letter “R”
uTo search for a file in the storage memory
•Input the letter “S” for the keyword
kBacking Up Main Memory Data
uTo back up main memory data
uTo restore backup data to the main memory
2.Press 2(LOAD)
This displays the folder selection screen
3.Use f and c to select a folder
4.Press w.*1
kOptimizing the Storage Memory
uTo optimize the storage memory
1. On the initial MEMORY mode screen press
5(OPT) to optimize the storage memory
The message “Complete!” appears when the optimize operation is complete
1 Error Message Table
2 Input Ranges
x2 + y2 < 1 ⋅
|r| < 1 ⋅
However, for tanθ :
(DEG) |θ| < 9 ⋅ (109)°
Input range