
Changing the Appearance of a Graph

kInserting Comments


You can insert comments anywhere you want in a graph.

Set Up

1.Draw the graph.


2.Press !4(SKTCH)6(g)6(g)2(Text), and a pointer appears in the center of the display.

3.Use the cursor keys to move the pointer to the location where you want the text to be, and input the text.



# You can input any of the following characters

x2, ^, log, In, ', x', 10x, ex, 3', x–1, sin, cos,





as comment text: A~Z, r, θ, space, 0~9, ., +, –,

tan, sin–1, cos–1, tan–1, i, List, Mat,



×, ÷, (–), EXP, π, Ans, (, ), [, ], {, }, comma, ,