
Function Calculations

uAngle Units, Coordinate Conversion, Sexagesimal Operations (ANGL)[OPTN]-[ANGL]{°}/{r}/{g} ... {degrees}/{radians}/{grads} for a specific input value

{° ’ ”} ... {specifies degrees (hours), minutes, seconds when inputting a degrees/minutes/ seconds value}

{° ’ ”} ... {converts decimal value to degrees/minutes/seconds value}*1

{Pol(}/{Rec(} ... {rectangular-to-polar}/{polar-to-rectangular} coordinate conversion

{'DMS} ... {converts decimal value to sexagesimal value}
uEngineering Symbol (ESYM)[OPTN]-[ESYM]

{m}/{—}/{n}/{p}/{f} ... {milli (10–3)}/{micro (10–6)}/{nano (10–9)}/{pico (10–12)}/{femto (10–15)}

{k}/{M}/{G}/{T}/{P}/{E} ... {kilo (103)}/{mega (106)}/{giga (109)}/{tera (1012)}/{peta (1015)}/ {exa (1018)}

{ENG}/{ENG} ... shifts the decimal place of the displayed value three digits to the {left}/{right} and {decreases}/{increases} the exponent by three.*2

When you are using engineering notation, the engineering symbol is also changed accordingly.

*1 The { ° ’ ” } menu operation is available only when there is a calculation result on the display.

*2 The {ENG} and {ENG} menu operations are available only when there is a calculation result on the display.

#ENG/ENG switching is disabled for the following types of calculation results.

-Result of matrix calculation input in the Math input mode

-Result of list calculation input in the Math input mode