
Binary, Octal, Decimal, and Hexadecimal Calculations with Integers

Example 2 To input and execute 1238 ABC16, when the default number system is decimal or hexadecimal

!m(SET UP)c2(Dec)JA1(d~o)4(o)bcd*2(h)ABC*1wJ3(DISP)2('Hex)wkNegative Values and Bitwise OperationsPress 2(LOG) to display a menu of negation and bitwise operators.{Neg} ... {negation}*2{Not}/{and}/{or}/{xor}/{xnor} ... {NOT}*3/{AND}/{OR}/{XOR}/{XNOR}*4uNegative Values


To determine the negative of 1100102
!m(SET UP)c4(Bin)JA2(LOG)1(Neg)bbaabawu Bitwise OperationsExample 1 To input and execute “12016 and AD16

!m(SET UP)c3(Hex)J


*1 See page 2-7-1.

*2 two’s complement

*3 one’s complement (bitwise complement)

*4 bitwise AND, bitwise OR, bitwise XOR, bitwise XNOR

#Negative binary, octal, and hexadecimal values are produced by taking the binary two’s complement and then returning the result to the original number base. With the decimal number base, negative values are displayed with a minus sign.