
Graphing a Recursion Formula

kGraphing a Recursion Formula (2)


The following describes how to generate a number table from a recursion formula and graph the values while Σ Display is On.

Set Up

1.From the Main Menu, enter the RECUR mode.

2.On the Setup screen, specify On for Σ Display.

3.Make V-Window settings.


4.Specify the recursion formula type and input the recursion formula.

5.Specify the table range, and start and ending values for n. If necessary, specify the initial term value and pointer start point.

6.Select the line style for the graph.

7.Display the recursion formula number table.

8.Specify the graph type and draw the graph.

5(G CON)1(an) ... Line graph with ordinate an, abscissa n

6(Σan) ... Line graph with ordinate Σan, abscissa n

6(G PLT) 1(an) ... Plot type graph with ordinate an, abscissa n

6(Σan) ... Plot type graph with ordinate Σan, abscissa n

Selecting 6(G PLT) draws a 1-dot broken line plot type graph, regardless of the currently selected line style (page 5-3-6).