
Inputting and Editing Cell Data

When a cell within the cut area is referencing a cell that also is within the cut area

In this case all cell references are treated as relative cell references, no matter what type they actually are (absolute or relative).


Let’s say we have a spreadsheet that contains the following data:


A1: 4, B1: =A1+1, C1: = $B$1+2.


Cut B1:C1 (left screen) and paste the data in B2:C2 (right screen).

Since the expression in cell C1 references cell B1, which is also inside the cut area (B1:C1), the $B$1 reference changes to $B$2 (like a relative cell reference) when pasted into cell C2, even though it is an absolute cell reference.

uTo cut and paste spreadsheet data1.Select the cell(s) you want to cut.

See “To select a single cell” (page 9-3-2) and “To select a range of cells” (page 9-3-4) for more information.

2.Press 2(EDIT)1(CUT).

This selects the data and enters the paste mode, which causes the 1 function key menu to change to (PASTE).

You can exit the paste mode at any time during the following steps by pressing J.

#For more information about absolute and relative cell references, see “Using Cell References” on page 9-4-5.