
Inputting and Editing Cell Data

3.Use the cursor keys to move the cell cursor to the cell from which you want to paste the data.

If you selected a range of cells in step 1, the cell you select with the cell cursor will be the upper left cell of the paste range. If you copy the A1:B2 range of cells, locating the cell cursor at cell C1 will paste the cells at C1:D2.

4.Press 1(PASTE).

This will paste the data in the cells you selected in step 1 at the location you selected in step 3.

5.The calculator will remain in the paste mode, so you could repeat steps 3 and 4 to paste the same data at other locations, if you want.

6.After you are finish pasting the data where you want, press J to exit the paste mode.

#If any cell in the paste area already contains data, the existing data is replaced by the pasted data.

#If a copy and paste operation causes a relative cell reference to become an illegal reference, the illegal reference will be replaced by “?”

in the cell where it is pasted. Let’s say, for example, that you copy the contents of cell A3 (=A1+A2) and paste it in cell B2.

When the A1 relative cell reference in A3 (which effectively means “two cells up”) is pasted into cell B2, it becomes an illegal reference because there is no cell located two cells up from cell B2. This will cause the cell reference to change to “B?” when it is pasted in cell B2, and “ERROR” will be displayed in place of the cell B2 contents.

#If “On” is selected for the “Auto Calc” setting on the Setup screen (page 1-8-5), “ERROR” will appear as soon as the data is pasted. If “Auto Calc” is turned off, the contents of the cell will not be performed when they are pasted, so the destination cell (B2) will display the same data as the original source cell (A3) until the contents of the spreadsheet are re-calculated and updated.