
Basic Programming Steps

Example 1 To calculate the surface area (cm2) and volume (cm3) of three regular octahedrons when the length of one side is 7, 10, and 15 cm, respectively

Store the calculation formula under the file name OCTA.

The following are the formulas used for calculating surface area S and volume V of a regular octahedron for which the length of one side A is known.




S = 2'3 A2, V = –––– A3




1m PRGM23(NEW)OCTAw*13!J(PRGM)4(?)aav(A)6(g)5(:)*2 c*!x(')d*av(A)x6(g)5(^)!x(')c/d*av(A)Md


41(EXE) or w hw(Value of A) w


wbaw w


wbfw w*3
S when A = 7 V when A = 7S when A = 10 V when A = 10S when A = 15 V when A = 15

*1Press 3(NEW) and the cursor changes form to indicate alpha character input.

*2 The following shows how the calculation of the surface area and volume of a regular octahedron would be calculated using a manual calculation.

Surface Area S.... c*!x(')d*

<value of A> xw

Volume V ............. !x(')c/d*

<value of A> Mdw

*3Pressing w while the final result of a program is on the display changes to the program list.

#You can also run a program while in the RUN MAT mode by inputting: Prog ”<file name>” w.

#Pressing w while the final result of a program executed using this method is on the display re-executes the program.

#An error occurs if the program specified by Prog ”<file name>” cannot be found.