
Matrix Calculations

kInputting and Editing Matrices

Pressing 1('MAT) displays the Matrix Editor screen. Use the Matrix Editor to input and edit matrices.

m n m (row) n (column) matrix

None… no matrix preset

{DEL}/{DEL·A} ... deletes {a specific matrix}/{all matrices}

{DIM} ... {specifies the matrix dimensions (number of cells)}

u Creating a Matrix

To create a matrix, you must first define its dimensions (size) in the Matrix Editor. Then you can input values into the matrix.

uTo specify the dimensions (size) of a matrixExample To create a 2-row 3-column matrix in the area named Mat B

Highlight Mat B.


3(DIM) (This step can be omitted.) Specify the number of rows.


Specify the number of columns.



• All of the cells of a new matrix contain the value 0.



# If “Memory ERROR” remains next to the

dimensions, it means there is not enough free





matrix area name after you input the

memory to create the matrix you want.