
Complex Number Calculations

kAbsolute Value and Argument[OPTN]-[CPLX]-[Abs]/[Arg]

The unit regards a complex number in the form a + bi as a coordinate on a Gaussian plane, and calculates absolute valueZand argument (arg).


To calculate absolute value (r) and argument (Ƨ) for the complex


number 3 + 4i, with the angle unit set for degrees


Imaginary axis
























Real axisAK3(CPLX)2(Abs)(d+e1(i))w (Calculation of absolute value)AK3(CPLX)3(Arg)(d+e1(i))w(Calculation of argument)kConjugate Complex Numbers[OPTN]-[CPLX]-[Conj]

A complex number of the form a + bi becomes a conjugate complex number of the form a bi.

Example To calculate the conjugate complex number for the complex number 2 + 4iAK3(CPLX)4(Conj) (c+e1(i))w

#The result of the argument calculation differs in accordance with the current angle unit setting (degrees, radians, grads).