
Calculating and Graphing Single-Variable Statistical Data

6-2 Calculating and Graphing Single-Variable Statistical Data

Single-variable data is data with only a single variable. If you are calculating the average height of the members of a class for example, there is only one variable (height).

Single-variable statistics include distribution and sum. The following types of graphs are available for single-variable statistics.

You can also use the procedures under “Changing Graph Parameters” on page 6-1-2 to make the settings you want before drawing each graph.

kNormal Probability Plot (NPP)

This plot compares the data accumulated ratio with a normal distribution accumulated ratio. XList specifies the list where data is input, and Mark Type is used to select from among the marks { / / • }you want to plot.

Press A, J or !J(QUIT) to return to the statistical data list.kHistogram (Bar Graph) (Hist)

XList specifies the list where the data is input, while Freq specifies the list where the data frequency is input. 1 is specified for Freq when frequency is not specified.


The display screen appears as shown above before the graph is drawn. At this point, you can change the Start and Width values.