
Before Performing Statistical Calculations

kChanging Graph Parameters

Use the following procedures to specify the graph draw/non-draw status, the graph type, and other general settings for each of the graphs in the graph menu (GPH1, GPH2, GPH3).

While the statistical data list is on the display, press 1(GRPH) to display the graph menu, which contains the following items.

{GPH1}/{GPH2}/{GPH3} ... graph {1}/{2}/{3} drawing*1

{SEL} ... {simultaneous graph (GPH1, GPH2, GPH3) selection} You can specify the multiple graphs.

{SET} ... {graph settings (graph type, list assignments)}
1. General graph settings[GRPH]-[SET]

This section describes how to use the general graph settings screen to make the following settings for each graph (GPH1, GPH2, GPH3).

• Graph Type

The initial default graph type setting for all the graphs is scatter graph. You can select one of a variety of other statistical graph types for each graph.

• List

The initial default statistical data is List 1 for single-variable data, and List 1 and List 2 for paired-variable data. You can specify which statistical data list you want to use for x-data and y-data.

• Frequency

Normally, each data item or data pair in the statistical data list is represented on a graph as a point. When you are working with a large number of data items however, this can cause problems because of the number of plot points on the graph. When this happens, you

can specify a frequency list that contains values indicating the number of instances (the frequency) of the data items in the corresponding cells of the lists you are using for x-data and y-data. Once you do this, only one point is plotted for the multiple data items, which makes the graph easier to read.

*1 The initial default graph type setting for all the graphs (Graph 1 through Graph 3) is scatter diagram, but you can change to one of a number of other graph types.

#You can specify the graph draw/non-draw status, the graph type, and other general settings for each of the graphs in the graph menu (GPH1, GPH2, GPH3).