
Complex Number Calculations

kExtraction of Real and Imaginary Parts[OPTN]-[CPLX]-[ReP]/[lmP]

Use the following procedure to extract the real part a and the imaginary part b from a complex number of the form a + bi.


To extract the real and imaginary parts of the complex number 2 + 5i
AK3(CPLX)6(g)1(ReP)(c+f6(g)1(i))w(Real part extraction)AK3(CPLX)6(g)2(ImP)


(Imaginary part extraction)

#The input/output range of complex numbers is normally 10 digits for the mantissa and two digits for the exponent.

#When a complex number has more than 21 digits, the real part and imaginary part are displayed on separate lines.

#When either the real part or imaginary part of a complex number equals zero, that part is not displayed in rectangular form.

#The following functions can be used with complex numbers.

', x2, x–1, ^(xy), 3', x', In, log, logab, 10x, ex, Int, Frac, Rnd, Intg, RndFix(, Fix, Sci, ENG, ENG, ° ’ ”, ° ’ ”, a b/c, d/c