
Function Analysis

kDisplaying the Derivative


In addition to using Trace to display coordinates, you can also display the derivative at the current pointer location.

Set Up

1.From the Main Menu, enter the GRAPH mode.

2.On the Setup screen, specify On for Derivative.

3.Draw the graph.


4.Press !1(TRCE), and the pointer appears at the center of the graph. The current coordinates and the derivative also appear on the display at this time.

5.Use d and e to move the pointer along the graph to the point at which you want to display the derivative.

When there are multiple graphs on the display, press f and c to move between them along the x-axis of the current pointer location.

6.You can also move the pointer by pressing v to display the pop-up window, and then inputting coordinates.

The pop-up window appears even when you input coordinates directly.