
Syntax Help

1-7 Syntax Help

When you input a command, syntax help displays its syntax.uTo display syntax help1.Input a command.• This will cause syntax information to appear.Syntax help2. Syntax help will disappear when you press the next key.uTo redisplay syntax help

After you input a command and press another key (which causes syntax help to disappear), you can redisplay syntax help by moving the cursor so it is located immediately to the right of the command.

Cursor located to the right of the command.

#To avoid hiding the input cursor, syntax help information appears either at the top or at the bottom of the screen.

When the cursor is at the bottom of the screen.

#Syntax help will appear only if “On” is selected for the “Syntax Help” setting on the Setup screen.

#Syntax help appears in the RUN MAT mode (for the arithmetic calculation mode only, not the Matrix Editor mode), the PRGM mode, and the STAT mode.

#Syntax help also will appear when you input variable data, and explain the variable data

#Redisplay of syntax help is possible in the RUN MAT mode only (arithmetic calculation mode only, excluding the Matrix Editor).