
Matrix Calculations

kMatrix Calculations


Use the matrix command menu to perform matrix calculation operations.

uTo display the matrix commands

1.From the Main Menu, enter the RUN MAT mode.

2.Press K to display the option menu.

3.Press 2(MAT) to display the matrix command menu.

The following describes only the matrix commands that are used for matrix arithmetic operations.

{Mat} ... {Mat command (matrix specification)}

{Det} ... {Det command (determinant command)}

{Trn} ... {Trn command (transpose matrix command)}

{Iden} ... {Identity command (identity matrix input)}

{Ref} ... {Ref command (row echelon form command)}

{Rref} ... {Rref command (reduced row echelon form command)}

All of the following examples assume that matrix data is already stored in memory.