
Calculating and Graphing Paired-Variable Statistical Data

kPower Regression Graph

Power regression expresses y as a proportion of the power of x. The standard power regression formula is y = a × xb, so if we take the logarithm of both sides we get In y = In a + b × In x. Next, if we say X = In x, Y = In y, and A = In a, the formula corresponds to linear regression formula Y = A + bX.



The following is the power regression model formula.

y = a·xb


regression coefficient


regression power


correlation coefficient

r2 .............

coefficient of determination

MSe ........

mean square error

kSinusoidal Regression Graph

Sinusoidal regression is best applied for cyclical data.

The following is the sinusoidal regression model formula.

y = a·sin(bx + c) + d

While the statistical data list is on the display, perform the following key operation.



Make sure that the angle unit setting of the calculator is Rad (radians) when drawing a sinusoidal regression graph. The sinusoidal regression calculation is performed using radians, so the graph will cannot be drawn correctly if the angle unit setting is something else.

• Certain types of data may take a long time to calculate. This does not indicate malfunction.