
Using Memory in the S SHT Mode

kRecalling Data from Memory

The procedures in this section explain how to recall data from List Memory, File Memory, and Mat Memory, and input it into a spreadsheet starting from a specific cell. It also explains how to use variables in spreadsheet constants and formulas.


When recalling List Memory, File Memory, or Mat Memory data, an error will occur if the recalled data runs outside the allowable range of the spreadsheet (A1:Z999).

Recalling a 2-line by 4-column matrix from Mat Memory starting from spreadsheet cell X2, for example, will cause the matrix to run outside the range of the spreadsheet as shown below, which will cause an error.

The above also applies when pasting data into a spreadsheet.

Area required by the matrix (shaded) runs off the spreadsheet, so an error occurs.

kRecalling Data from List Memory

Use the procedure in this section to select a List Memory (List 1 through List 26) and input it into a spreadsheet. The data is input into the spreadsheet either line-wise or column-wise, depending on the current “Move” setting on the Setup screen.


The initial default “Move” setting is line-wise (top to bottom) data input. If you want to perform column-wise (left to right) input, change the “Move” setting. For details, see “1-8 Using the Setup Screen”.

uTo recall data from a List Memory to a spreadsheet

1.On the spreadsheet, select the first cell of the range where you want the recalled data to be input.

2.Press 6(g)4(RCL)1(LIST) to display a data recall screen like the one shown below.

The “1st Cell” setting will show the name of the cell you selected in step 1.

3.Input the List number (1 to 26) of the List Memory whose data you want to recall, and then press w.

4.Press 6(EXE) or the w key to recall the data.