Play, Pause, Stop
To play a song, click on the title or artist of the song from the song list in Panel D. To play from the Program queue, click on Play button in Panel C.
To pause a song, click on Pause in Panel C. To stop, click on Stop in Panel C.
Fast Backward, Fast Forward
While a song is in play, click on Fast Backward or Fast Forward to move backward or forward in the song. This feature applies in Juke play mode only.
Position Slider, Location, Loop A-B
While a song is in play, drag the slider in Panel C to any time position in the song.
To mark a time position in a song, right click any of 1,2, 4, 5, 6 buttons of LOCATION. Left click on the same button to return to the position.
To creat a loop, right click on A for the initial time position and B for the final time
position. Then click on to start the loop. Click on Play or
to return to normal play.
The features of the Slider, Location, and Loop apply in Juke play mode only.
Previous, Next
When playing a song from a disc, click on Previous or Next to play the previous or next song. When playing a song from Program queue, click on Next to go to the next programmed song.
If Single button in Panel C is pressed (Play mode is in Single), the next or previous song will wait for PLAY command before starting.