Chapter 4 Command Operation
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| Some Example Single Commands |
5.The example board is jumpered at address EE00H. The three writes to the Address Buffer Port at address EE00H will be as follows:
1.) 843DH
2.) 0008H
3.) 22F4H
6.Read the Hardware Status Port at address EE10H. Since the ENT bit of the Status Port toggles between 0 and 1 with each Single Command Channel Attention issue, the value returned could be 0202H or 0203H depending on the previous value. We’ll assume this is the first command after a reset; the initial value of the ENT bit is 0. The adapter is ready if the Status Port reads 0202H.
7.To execute the command, write a 0 to the Channel Attention Port.
8.Poll for command completion by reading the Flags Byte of the Status Block and comparing it to zero. When the value is
Figure 15 Single Command Structure in memory
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