Chapter 5 Initiator Mode
Page 5 - 4 |
| Initiator |
Bits 7, 2 and 1 work
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
DBV | 0 | ICC | 0 | IRS | DAT | DIR | 0 |
Table 27: Bit-meanings of Flags-1 Field
DIR Direction of Data Transfer - Both the DBV and the DAT bits must be set to 1 for this bit to have meaning for an RF3880 operation. Otherwise its value is ignored.
0 ⇒ Data transfer is from the target.
1 ⇒ Data transfer is to the target.
DAT Data Transfer - This bit is available to be used to enhance efficiency of
0 ⇒ Command has no data phase.
1 ⇒ Data phase will occur.
IRS Inhibit Request Sense - Selects whether Sense Data is to be gathered automatically by the adapter (in response to a Check Condition status from a device) or given to the host to do so.
0 ⇒ Automatic Request Sense issued to device reporting Check Condition.
1 ⇒ Check Condition status of device reported to Host. Host must request the device status.
ICC Inhibit Command Complete Interrupt - Inhibits the interrupt that notifies the host of command completion. By inhibiting interrupts for a number of commands and then enabling an interrupt for one, you can reduce the number of interrupts to service.
0 ⇒ Interrupts enabled for this command.
1 ⇒ Interrupts inhibited for this command.
DBV Data Bits Valid - Use this bit when you wish to override the default values of the DAT and DIR bits to implement
0 ⇒ Normal operation.
1 ⇒ DIR and DAT values in the Flag byte are valid and override the defaults.
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