User’s Guide 21020285 D
Chapter 3 Hardware Installation
Step 4: Apply power and observe LEDs Page 3 - 13
The amber LED is used to indicate an error condition. These are the conditions
indicated by the amber LED:
BLINKS - This indicates that the adapter has had a self-test failure.
STAYS ON SOLIDLY - This indicates that the board has had a catastrophic
error during operation such as bus error or timeout. The Status port will contai n
an error code that details the type of failure that occurred. These error codes are:
Code Name Description
Value The Command List PBIN or SBOUT value exceeded the
value set for PBNUM or SBNUM.
11H State wrong for Start/
Stop Command List
The code is returned under these conditions:
Start Command List command issued a command list is
already active.
Stop Command List command issued when no command
list is presently active.
Command List Channel Attention issued when no
Command List is activ e.
12H Target Mode Error A Target Mode Selection Area Read Channel Attent ion
issued when no selec tion are was writte n by adapter.
14H Software VMEbus
The adapter times each of its VMEbus transfer s; it will report
this if a VMEbus transfer takes to o long to complete. This
can occur for transfe rs of parameters as we ll as data.
15H VMEbus Error OccurredA VMEbus error was detected while the adapter was
transferring either parame ters or data.
96H Internal Firmware Error This error code indicates th at a Firmware error w as detected
during the execution of a command.
Table 15: Status Port Catastrophic Error Codes