Chapter 6 Target Mode
Overview of Special Target Mode Commands | Page 6 - 5 |
Overview of
Special Target
New commands
To implement the Target Mode described in the previous pages, three new commands and a new type of Status Block were used. These are described briefly next so the commands will be familiar as the Sequence of Operation is described.
•Target Mode Enable command
•Target Mode Disable command
•Target Mode Response command
For a complete description of the Target Mode Enable command and the Target Mode Disable command, see Chapter 7. The Target Mode Response command is described fully later in this chapter.
Target Mode Enable Command
When you want the adapter to begin operating in Target Mode, you must issue a Target Mode Enable command to the adapter. This command must be issued after the host has set up the memory for the Target Selection Data Structure that the adapter will use. Until this command is issued, the adapter will respond to all selection attempts by disconnecting from the SCSI bus.
Target Mode Disable Command
The Target Mode Disable command is issued when you wish to stop receiving selections from initiators on the SCSI bus.
Target Mode Response Command
When ready with the response for the initiator that has selected the RF3880, use the Target Mode Response command to inform the adapter what action to perform. Target Mode Response commands are queued in the adapter for execution in the same way as initiator commands.
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