Chapter 7 Board-control Commands
Page 7 - 34 |
| Board Information (15H) |
Description of Fields
The Data Structure returned from a Board Information command contains the fields shown on the following pages.
Select Flags
This field displays the selections currently valid for the Select Flags field of the General Options command. The format of the Select Flags byte is as follows:
7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | BMT | PAR | DIS |
Table 92: Board Information - Select Flags Field
DIS Disconnect/Reconnect - This bit indicates whether the RF3880 adapter will allow peripherals to disconnect from the SCSI bus while performing a command.
0 ⇒ Disconnect/Reconnect is disallowed.
1 ⇒ Disconnect/Reconnect is allowed.
PAR Check SCSI Bus Parity - This bit indicates whether the adapter reports errors in parity that occurred on the SCSI bus.
0 ⇒ Parity will not be checked.
1 ⇒ SCSI parity will be checked.
BMT Block Mode Transfers - This bit indicates how the adapter is set to perform Block Mode transfers.
0 ⇒ Block Mode transfers will occur only for Address Modifiers listed in the VME specification.
1 ⇒ Block Mode transfers will be performed regardless of Address Modifier used.
21020285 D | User’s Guide |