Chapter 6 Target Mode
Target Mode Response Command Status Block | Page 6 - 19 |
Target Mode
Status Block
Status Block
In Chapter 4, a Base Status Block was introduced and explained in general terms. The Status Block for a Target Mode Response command uses some of the same fields, and modifies others. A Target Mode Response command status block is differentiated from other status blocks by the TMS bit in the Flags field, and also by the Status Information it contains.
The format of the Target Mode Response command Status Block is as follows:
Address |
| Byte Memory Address |
| |
Offset | Offset + 0 | Offset + 1 | Offset + 2 | Offset + 3 |
00H |
| Command Identifier |
| |
04H | Cmd Status Flag | Reserved | Error | Flags |
08H | Msg Byte RCD | CDB Length | CDB Byte 0 | CDB Byte 1 |
0CH | CBD Byte 2 | CDB Byte 3 | CDB Byte 4 | CDB Byte5 |
Description of Fields
Table 52: First TM Response Command Status Block
A SCSI Command Descriptor Block (CDB) being returned to the Host may have more than six bytes. In that case, a second status block is required to contain the remaining CDB bytes. Its format is as follows:
Address |
| Byte Memory Address |
| |
Offset | Offset + 0 | Offset + 1 | Offset + 2 | Offset + 3 |
00H |
| Command Identifier |
| |
| |
04H | Reserved | Error | Flags | |
08H | CBD Byte 6 | CBD Byte 7 | CDB Byte 8 | CDB Byte 9 |
0CH | CBD Byte 10 | CDB Byte 11 | Reserved |
Table 53: Second TM Response Command Status Block
A description of each field in the Status Blocks is provided next.
Command Identifier
This value links a Status Block with a Parameter Block.
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