Chapter 8 Details of Usage |
Byte and Word Swapping | Page 8 - 7 |
Data Swapping
Since the RF3880 does not handle data swapping you may need to provide software that will do the swapping when you are sharing data between two different types of processors.
Sharing Tapes
For example, if you are writing tapes with an Intel based machine and only Intel based machines will be reading them, no data swapping is necessary. However, if a Motorola machine was to read the tape, special software to reorder the data structures may be needed.
Dual Initiators
Another case in which data swapping may be needed would be when dual RF3880’s are used in separate machines but share the same SCSI bus. If both systems use the same disk media, and each is based on a different processor, one of the systems may need special software to swap the data.
User’s Guide | 21020285 D |