Chapter 7 Board-control Commands
Page 7 - 42 |
| Extended Board Statistics (16H) |
This field has the following format and bit meanings:
7 | 6 | 5 |
| 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
| 0 |
| FMT | CLR |
Table 101: Extended Board Options Field
CLR Clear - This bit allows you to clear the internal statistic values currently stored. (Statistics returned by both the 06H and 16H commands will be cleared.) It is useful if you wish to keep track of statistics during a specific period. The only other time statistic values get cleared is during adapter reset.
0 ⇒ Command is used to return internal statistics to specified system memory address.
1 ⇒ Command is used to clear the internal statistics table.
FMT Format - This bit determines whether the data returned from this command will include information about all possible SCSI ID’s (16) or will retain compatibility with previous adapters that were limited to 8 ID’s on a bus. This bit is ignored if the CLR bit is set.
0 ⇒ Use 8 ID format.
1 ⇒ Use 16 ID format.
Command Code
The value for this field will always be 16H to indicate an Extended Board
Statistics command.
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