Cisco Systems 15310-MA manual Filler Cards, Card-Level Indicators Description

Models: 15310-MA

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Chapter 2 Card Reference

Filler Cards

Table 2-10 E1_21_E3_DS3_3 and E1_63_E3_DS3_3 Card-Level Indicators

Card-Level Indicators





Indicates that the card processor is not ready. This LED is on during reset.


The FAIL LED flashes during the boot process. Replace the card if the red


FAIL LED persists in flashing.




When the ACT/STBY LED is green, the card is operational and ready to

Green (Active)

carry traffic. When the ACT/STBY LED is amber, the card is operational and

in standby (protect) mode.

Amber (Standby)




Amber E1 and DS3 SF

Indicates a signal failure or condition such as LOS or LOF on one or more


card ports.



2.7 Filler Cards

If a card slot is left empty, a filler card must be installed in the slot. The filler card serves three functions: it prevents exposure to hazardous voltages and currents inside the chassis, it eliminates electromagnetic interference (EMI) that might disrupt other equipment, and it directs the flow of cooling air through the chassis.

Caution Do not operate the ONS 15310-MA SDH system unless a card is plugged into each card slot.

The blank card is a printed circuit board (PCB) with a blank faceplate and two rear connectors that plug into receptacles at the back of the slot. CTC detects when a filler card is plugged in and displays it in node view.

Figure 2-9shows the filler card faceplate. This card is used in ONS 15310-MA SDH traffic card slots.

Figure 2-9



Filler Card






















































































Caution Do not attempt to install the FILLER card in a 15310E-CTX-K9 card slot (Slots 3 and 4) on the 15310-MA SDH shelf assembly. Only a CTX FILLER card should be installed in the 15310E-CTX-K9 slot.

Cisco ONS 15310-MA SDH Reference Manual, Release 9.1 and Release 9.2





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Cisco Systems 15310-MA manual Filler Cards, Card-Level Indicators Description