Chapter 12 Organize DMPs in Groups


Remove DMPs Manually from DMP Groups


Step 1 Choose Digital Media Players > DMP Manager.

Step 2 Navigate in the DMP Groups tree, expanding its levels until you find a group that should no longer include a DMP.

Step 3 Click to highlight this group in the tree.

The DMP List table is refreshed. It now describes DMPs in your highlighted group.

Step 4 Click Delete in the row whose DMP should leave a group.

Step 5 Choose Remove DMP from Group.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Stop. You have completed this procedure.

Related Topics

Elements to Remove a DMP from a DMP Group, page 12-8

Filter the DMP List Table


Step 1 Choose Digital Media Players > DMP Manager.

Step 2 Click the entry in the DMP Group tree for a group whose list of member DMPs you will filter. Step 3 Choose one option from the Filter list, above the DMP List table.

The DMP List table straddles multiple pages when there are more DMPs than there are rows per page.

Step 4 (Optional) Would you like to specify how many rows of data the table should load per page? If so, choose the number of rows from the list below the table.

Step 5 (Optional) Does the table straddle multiple pages? If so, use pagination controls above the table to move between pages.

Step 6 Click Go.

Step 7 Stop. You have completed this procedure.

Related Topics

Top-Level Elements to Manage DMPs and DMP Groups, page 12-6



User Guide for Cisco Digital Media Manager 5.2.x
















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Cisco Systems 5.2.x Remove DMPs Manually from DMP Groups, Filter the DMP List Table, Choose Remove DMP from Group, 12-5