Chapter 8 Working with Linksets
Viewing Linkset Information Using a Web Browser
Viewing ITP Linkset Status
| The SGM ITP Linkset Status page displays information about the linksets that |
| have been discovered by SGM. |
| To access the SGM ITP Linkset Status page, select ITP Linkset Status from the |
| SGM Server Home Page. SGM displays the SGM ITP Linkset Status page. |
| You can sort the SGM ITP Linkset Status table based on the information in one of |
| the columns. See the “Resizing, Sorting, and Hiding Table Columns” section on |
| page |
| The SGM ITP Linkset Status page displays the following information for each |
| linkset: |
Column | Description |
Server Name | Name of the SGM server associated with the linkset. |
(in header) |
Update Interval | Time between automatic updates for the page. |
(in header) |
Last Update | Date and time the information on the page was last updated by SGM. |
(in header) |
Linkset Name | Name of the linkset. |
| To see detailed information for the linkset, click the linkset name. |
Node | Name of the node associated with the linkset. |
| To see detailed information for the node, click the node name. |
SP Name | Name of the signaling point associated with the linkset. |
| To see detailed information for the signaling point, click the signaling point |
| name. |
Point Code | Point code of the primary signaling point for the linkset. |
Adjacent Linkset | Name of adjacent linkset. |
Name | To see detailed information for the linkset, click the linkset name. |
| |
Adjacent Node | Name of adjacent node for the linkset. |
| To see detailed information for the node, click the node name. |
| Cisco Signaling Gateway Manager User Guide |
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